The Cries of the world
Its actual name is a Draco but I like calling it a Zastava

Geographically speaking, I’d be relatively well off, what with and the fact that I live in a small town, and 2 of the families are gun nuts, and another one has a massive collection of swords. My house has multiple windows, but only 1 is really within reach of zombies, and I own few katana swords that I keep under my bed, also the Walther p99 in my house, doesn’t have much ammunition for it, but it’d do in the relatively likely chance that a black widow suddenly climbs down one of the chimneys in the house… now that I think about it, I’m kinda screwed actually I have an infection in my lower right leg that has refused to go away thus far, and if bacteria get as lethal as they are in Cataclysm, where any infection is apparently worse than a case of Ebola-superAIDS, the fact that there isn’t a single pharmacy within a comfortable walking distance without crossing what would be a rather busy (formerly with cars, now with car wrecks and probably a lot of zombies) intersection that in and of itself would be about 4 hours away by walking makes me something of a dead-man walking ( not to be confused with the actual dead men and women who are trying to eat your flesh), and then there’s the fact that there is a small city nearby, probably seals my fate, combine that with the fact that spiders really seem to like my house currently… and yeah… I’m mildly screwed when I need to get ammunition.

Atleast we got 2 supermarkets in the vicinity.

someplace in Georgia

I live in a (VERY) small village in Denmark ('bout 200-300 population), with ten km to the nearest “larger” city (About 20000 population) So i think i’d do good xD