The case for why dodging was nerfed to much

Many people have complained that dodging was nerfed into the ground and now has very little utility unless paired with spicific martial arts or against a slow attacker that doesn’t attack more than one time per turn.
This is becease you only get one dodge attempt per turn unless you have certain martial arts after this you are automatically hit by any attack.

It is understandable that dodging was nerfed since it allowed a character with high dodge and some dodge related mutations to become effectively invincible since they where allowed to dodge every single attack and nothing could hit him. But implemented solution itself isn’t without it own problems for several reasons:

  1. It is unfair to the player from a realism perspective since you aren’t just standing still in a fight. You are still a moving target and any enemy might simply miss you becease of that fact even if you weren’t trying to dodge their spicific attack.
  2. It makes certain martial arts hacky in that they are the only way too up the amounts of times you can dodge. Especially considering that standard humans with either experience or training in our own world can definetily dodge more than one time per second. You would expect that a combination of dodge and/or melee skill combined with (superhuman) high dex would also up the amount of dodge attempts you had even if you weren’t trained in a martial art.
  3. It simply throws the balance of many mutations and mutation tree’s off as any mutation that benifits dodge simply doesn’t matter after the first dodge. This is best illustrated by the fact that in game a midget sized mouse mutant with the reflexes and reaction time of a professional fighter and a superhuman level of dexterity is just as likely to be hit as a 9-feet tall heaviely armoured behemoth with no dodging experience after they both dodged one attack.

This has been pretty well discussed to death over here already

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I agree with Profugo_Barbatus…
Here a small summary:

I remember to have explained myself, among others, in the linked post:

  • An enemy that misses you is not “actively dodging the attack”. In the game, an enemy can still miss you, even if you don’t dodge.
  • If you’re not standing still, you should actually move a tile. This might also result in dodging off of a roof or into a trap. This isn’t happening (unless with a mutation/CBM), so it’s not “unfair to the player”, but more favorable towards tem than the real world is.
  • Also already discussed: Against one enemy. Dodging one enemy and thereby dodge directly into the attack of another is still a valid possibility in real life, as well as it should be (and is) in game.

Which balance? I don’t remember that there ever was a balance in mutations (hence the planned rework). Or was it just your preference that was altered?