Suggestion: Move the old future era lore into Icecoon's Arsenal

Instead of removing all the lore referencing the old early DDA/Whale’s Cataclysm setting, why not convert Icecoon’s Arsenal into an era mod?

Out of curiosity, where was it mentioned that the old lore was being removed?

Also, what’s wrong with just packaging it into it’s own mod? Although I feel like most of the ‘lore’ is just flavourtext you see reading item descriptions.

There were scattered statements indicating that the cataclysm takes place in the mid-future, i.e. 2050 - 2100 or so, but that’s inconsistent with the majority of the setting and how I’ve been handling it, so I’ve officially shifted the setting to be “present day with isolated futuristic elements”.
There’s little if any actual content to shift.

Also, what’s wrong with just packaging it into it’s own mod? Although I feel like most of the ‘lore’ is just flavourtext you see reading item descriptions.

Icecoon’s Arsenal seemed like a good candidate since it adds fictional near-future guns to coregame. The move could get its own mod if mod count weren’t an issue.

A lot of itemspawns for things like atomic lamps, atomic cars, plutonium cells, rare guns, SMGs, foreign assault rifles, etc… will need to be removed from everyday itemgroups. Present-day USA isn’t as well-stocked with those items as cataclysm.

Take note that Kevin is not advocating the removal of sci-fi elements from the game. He is just saying that the game is set it the present and that high tech stuff is either classified military experiments, or toys for the ultra-rich.

Stuff that should be moved to mods would probably fit better in Bright Nights or in its own dedicated mod.

Icecoon mod is just some Rivtech imitation guns

Atomic lamps, etc… don’t need to be removed from coregame, they just need to be limited to spawns in research labs and the homes of the rich as you said.