Static Spawn is Terrible

I’m a mirror, I reflect those around me.

Now please get this train back on track.

Static spawn is kinda terrible since you give up many supplies but they can be found since zombies and such aren't so superhuman.

[quote=“gtaguy, post:101, topic:546”]I’m a mirror, I reflect those around me.

Now please get this train back on track.

Static spawn is kinda terrible since you give up many supplies but they can be found since zombies and such aren't so superhuman.[/quote]

You have some serious fucking problems, feeling abit eccentric are ya? here, take all my codeine, for you will need it when the next version comes out; because, from what I heard out of IRC, there will be no more Dynamic spawning.

[quote=“gtaguy, post:101, topic:546”]I’m a mirror, I reflect those around me.

Now please get this train back on track.

Static spawn is kinda terrible since you give up many supplies but they can be found since zombies and such aren't so superhuman.[/quote]

Uh, dude, you seem to be posting in a less-constructive manner than most of the actual topical argument >_>.

This isn’r quite true. After all, dynamic spawn is still in now (just not for zombies. Swamp critters still spawn dynamically, for example). And the goal is to actually bring back dynamic spawn for even those, but in a new way, with the introduction of roaming mobs of enemies. Ultimately, the static spawn is just to provide a solid foundation to work from.

[quote=“gtaguy, post:101, topic:546”]I’m a mirror, I reflect those around me.

Now please get this train back on track.

Static spawn is kinda terrible since you give up many supplies but they can be found since zombies and such aren't so superhuman.[/quote] It is an option. Last time I checked the option [i][b]DOESNT FUCKING WORK.[/b][/i]

On another topic I love static spawn. I just like the idea of having a switch for when I feel lazy and not wanting to get kills/melee/actually learn melee.

I don’t think it’s been outright said that the concept of static spawn is a bad thing. What is a problem, however, is how it is right now. The high level zombies wandering around or being pulled to the outskirts of a town are a wall to a starting character. Static spawn needs some way to keep the biggest baddest monsters penned in the center of town, or some sort of indication that yes, you are getting near to where the bad things are and you should probably turn back before it’s too late.

The makeshift tool items certainly have helped with this, as with some luck and survival skill you can get enough sinew to make your tools. Rotten berries all over the place makes it difficult as well as you have to rely on getting kills for meat to sustain yourself. God forbid you take meat intolerant. There’s still a few things that are simply impossible to get out in the wilderness though. Books and alcohol spring to mind, which are very useful and require you to go into town. If you’re going in for these things, why did you bother camping out in the woods in the first place though? You were going to brave the towns one way or another after all. Trying things the stealthy way, at night with a crowbar is still very luck based. Who knows if you’ll aggro a zombie that smashes a window that brings the horde down on your head? Either way you’ll have to fight which makes another thing, combat skill, a necessity. It doesn’t feel as though static spawn is opening up opportunities as much as it is shutting them down. You MUST have combat skill, you MUST go into town to get certain gear, simple as that.

There are also those of us that don’t like standing in a window beating zombies to death singly as they try to crawl in, or setting our viewports to huge size and throwing rocks to aggro single zeds. Suddenly you are no longer grizzled apocalypse survivor but instead you are a person sitting at a computer playing a game. It’s very immersion breaking to exploit pathing and movement rules to win out against the horde. As it stands, I tend to make a martial arts character, clear out as much of a town as I can, then loot it as a ‘real’ character I intend on actually playing (Usually a mechanic/speech/electronics type character) I feel this is not how the game is intended to be played, and it’s certainly not much fun to thin out the horde.

I propose that new methods of stealth be added for the low-tech low-supplied individual that doesn’t want to fight. Perhaps an ‘acting’ skill could be added, adding to your chances to succeed at lying to NPCs, but also allow you to zombie shuffle Shaun of the Dead style to creep through a horde without being attacked. Perhaps disguising your appearance and scent with pine needles and mud smeared all over yourself (Zombies certainly don’t attack things other than you unless they’re in the way, so maybe that’s your triffid disguise?) Maybe an easily crafted ‘straw man’ effigy out of sticks and clothes to attract the horde to it.

Posting as a total noobie/scrublord who dies every twenty minutes. Tensions seem to be quite high about this new update, and while I was not around to see what dynamic spawn meant (and am not able to as the option appears incapable of working) I can see how the drastic change may be offputting.

However, as mentioned before this is a foundation for a different spawning mechanism, one which would seem to be both more realistic and challenging WHEN it gets more meat on its bones so to speak and some of its earlier wonkiness is worked out. As of the current build, the game does seem difficult to the point of near absurdity. While I am sure a lot of that can be attributed to my lack of skill, its discouraging somewhat as a newbie being unable to raid the town for supplies on account of the sheer massive hordes that spawn there.

Furthermore I do enjoy the occasional quest, and the first quest target is usually ankle deep in Z territory, and it being a first quest its somewhat off putting to continually die trying to reach that goal for what I assume to be the sort of getting started activity.

Would I enjoy more stealth options? Hell yes. Would I enjoy less of a difficulty curve initially? That would be nice! I believe as time progresses these things will be added into the game, and bringing up ideas and points is an important part of letting the game devs understand your ideas/frustrations about a game you enjoy. Yet angrily shouting obscenities at one another or accusing the game devs of being idiots is not the ideal way to spread ones ideas or concerns about the progression of the games development. A little civility goes a long way. Also I just rolled a random who is both schizo and forgetful so this should be a fun one…

Just FYI, there’s generally just the one quest - it’s an open-world survival game, and the NPCs are mostly absent from the current version. So, don’t feel like you NEED to do the quest; focus on just surviving first, and then do the quest when you think it will be possible to not die.

If you do manage to complete the quest though, the npc will probably give you a crapload of training in a random assortment of skills. The reward for the risk is really high. Also, if you get the one to rescue a dog, you have handy cannon-fodder to help you fight wolves with that you can proceed to eat when it dies. I don’t feel too bad because technically the dog wasn’t mine, the dog just started following me instead of its original owner.

The dog gets locked away in a shelter somewhere because it breaks my heart to imagine it dying, heh.

I’ve done a 180 on static spawn - I love it now. I was a newbie 2 weeks ago so I was frustrated when Dynamic spawns changed it but now that I ‘get’ static spawn I’m staying alive a lot longer and I like it a lot more since clearing out a place is possible.

It just took a change in approach but that change makes it a lot more rewarding when I finally do clear out enough to get to a hardware store for my beloved Wood Ax and shovel.

I got lucky and spawned near a town where a great suburb was facing the shelter with the stores tucked to the north. It was one of the easiest starts I’ve ever had. My day 6 cbaracter has been able to clear small sections of town with q bow at night.

Just a small note. Like NPC’s currently dynamic spawn is broken (If I understand the issue, static spawning currently doesn’t check what kind of zombie it spawns, it could just spawn a few hulks in a row if you are unlucky) in 0.3 at least.

In 0.4 NPC’s will be turned off by default. There still will be an option to turn them on. But you should expect some strange behaviour and some crashes. If you are really ballsy, you could even turn wandering npcs back on. But that is undefined territory atm.

Ive played alot of cataclysm and I regard static spawn as easy mode tbh. The only struggle is getting that first gun and some ammo for it, once you have that, you are home free. I can see it being more of a struggle for noobies but once you get a handle on the mechanics of the game it really is the easier option.

One thing, static spawn is only off for Z’s. Driving a car through a swamp. Still a very bad idea.

Static spawn is OK, but the game is less exciting than before

This is a very strange discussion thread.

I see people complain about how static spawns are luck-based, yet the very nature of a roguelike makes it luck based anyways. You can have dynamic spawns, not find a high-powered gun and get bent over by a dozen brutes on day 3. I prefer static spawns, cause of the fun cat and mouse games you can play with a hulk, especially when they love to stand right outside a gun store. It also makes molotovs even more of a good idea, because you might not have the means to deal with brutes and hulks when you see them, yet you can usually find a bottle of whisky and a rag or two on the outskirts of town.

It’s just good fun to make notes of where hulks are on the map and give yourself a heads-up to avoid those places like the plague. Same thing too with the Men in Yellow ™. Egads, monsters we can’t take out immediately when we see them? It’s like people have to show basic common sense to survive the zombie apocalypse, instead of metagaming that “There’s only slow zombies on the first day and I have a grace period till 8:30 AM”

Fear, in my survival horror roguelike? Lawks, I don’t think I can allow that.

you sir, put that more eloquently than most of the human race can.

atm day 16 on static spawn; found 2 guns; no ammo, dealing with evrything with rocks and sling, molotovs etc, no books that would allow me to make crossbow/bow, sorounded by regular z`s, fungals, swamps,schools etc. On this run i consider static spawn a hardmode. All depends on ur luck atribute :slight_smile: