SO… Im trying to learn javascript, I want to get into modding the game and contributing further- I guarantee I made a few mistakes here and it most likely isn’t functional yet but this should be 90% of the code to add spliffs (weed and tobacco cigs) to the game. feedback, testing or criticism would be great.
"type": "recipe",
"activity_level": "NO_EXERCISE",
"result": "spliff",
"category": "CC_CHEM",
"subcategory": "CSC_CHEM_DRUGS",
"skill_used": "fabrication",
"time": "2 m",
"autolearn": true,
"reversible": true,
"flags": [
"components": [
"spliff roach". 3
"id": "spliff",
"type": "COMESTIBLE",
"comestible_type": "MED",
"name": {
"str": "spliff"
"description": "half-and-half rolling tobacco and some good ol' jazz cabbage.",
"weight": "1 g",
"volume": "4 ml",
"price": "200 cent",
"price_postapoc": "100 cent",
"symbol": "!",
"color": "dark_gray",
"container": "box_cigarette",
"stim": 2,
"healthy": -1,
"fun": 20,
"addiction_potential": 25,
"addiction_type": "nicotine",
"flags": [
"use_action": [
"type": "GENERIC",
"id": "spliff_lit",
"name": {
"str": "spliff"
"color": "light_green",
"symbol": "!",
"description": "A lit spliff, musky tobacco notes only slightly masking that of the dank, verdant grass",
"weight": "2 g",
"volume": "4 ml",
"category": "drugs",
"emits": [
"use_action": [
"type": "firestarter",
"moves": 200,
"moves_slow": 2000
"target": "spliff_roach",
"msg": "You extinguish the spliff.",
"active": false,
"menu_text": "Extinguish",
"type": "transform"
"material": [
"armor_data": {
"warmth": 3,
"armor": [
"material": [
"type": "paper",
"covered_by_mat": 100,
"thickness": 0.1
"encumbrance": 15,
"coverage": 25,
"covers": [
"flags": [
"type": "GENERIC",
"id": "spliff_roach",
"name": {
"str": "spliff roach",
"str_pl": "spliff roaches"
"color": "brown",
"symbol": "!",
"description":Its not a joint, it's not a cigarette... it's just kinda nasty and barely useful.",
"category": "other",
"weight": "1 g",
"volume": "1 ml",
"flags": [