I have some pretty good (in my opinion) ideas for new bionics, all which should not interfere with lore and such:
Bionic Limbs - These are full replacements for arms/legs that are straight improvements compared to your normal limbs. They’ll provide armor on the limb(s) they replace, as well as things like strength/crafting bonus for arms and dexterity/speed for legs. However, this makes your arms very much conductive of electricity, in fact creating extra damage than you normally would have from a conductive weapon. In the event you fail to install it, you have a chance to still have a distinct lack of limb. Of course, these are also rare. They also have an ‘overdrive’ ability, which uses a lot of bionic power to increase performance for a limited time, also has a cool down.
Exoskeleton - This covers the entire body (maybe not the head) and provides small amount of armor to entire body, as well as a small dexterity/strength increase.
Brain Implants - Super risky to install, but these can provide really good bonuses to the entire body, as they alter the nervous system to massively decrease the amount of pain you feel, as well as a really good intelligence and perception bonus. Like I said, super risky, they can actually give your a permanent debuff to various functions of the body since you’re directly messing with your brain and nervous system. The amount of head damage you can take is also insane, and can actually straight up kill someone with low health (Not directly hp)
Retractable claws - These give your hands the ability to extend metal claws, causing unarmed damage (maybe other damage) to increase by a considerable amount. Remember to retract your claws, since they make various actions more difficult. You also can’t activate the ability if you have gloves on.
Ion pulse - Temporarily disables nearby electronic devices and creatures. However, it also affects your own bionics as well, although not as badly.