Sickness - The Common Cold

Nope from my case. Had a terrible diet / long exposure to cold and bites, and sorting these out along with nutrition supplements carried that boo-boo out the door. Absolutely nothing funky in that orange juice guys, carry on. :slight_smile:

Yet - it wouldn’t hurt to check what happens if you’re wearing layers of worn-out items. Maybe effective warmth is less than displayed? I had glitches in pre-0.8 nightlies, whereas constant changes between wet-dry, warm-comfy would eventually lead to the symptoms of common cold (if I hadn’t taken care of it in-game) but still - it would display a per-turn change between Comfortable and Comfortable (Rising) statuses.

I have. As for the issue itself, yeah, we’ve figured out the cause (which means we can take steps to remedy it in the future).

Tip:chug vitamins like a madman. and don’t eat junk food unless your gonna take vitamins to compensate.

You can only take so many vitamins and get the health boost in a certain time frame.

Yeah, optimal vitamin use is approximately 1 every ~14 hours. Taking them more often then that wastes potential, but provides a small bit of extra protection. Taking more then 2-3 at once is a waste, if you’ve already been taking them taking more then 2 is a waste (unless you’ve had something really sinking your health values, such as the addiction withdrawal bug does).

I usually just eat a ton to where they don’t take up volume.

Which really just wastes all but the first few you eat. You’d probably be better off just dropping the extra, at least then you might be able to come back for them later.

Wikified, at least if the frickin’ server quits throwing 500 errors. GlyphGryph!

Ok, here is first 10 hours of my new run:
10:00. Started with disease resistance perk.
~11:00. Got -7 wet in the acid rain.
12-20:00. Took vitamins 3 times every ~3 hours.
20:00. Got a Common Cold.
Weather was ~18C all the day.
What else should I do to prevent a Common Cold in such circumstances? What does disease resistance perk do?

Can anyone of you guys just post a link or two to your packed SAVE folder? I mean, if you cannot debug your way out of the cold…

I can debug but as far as I see it looks like extremely bad luck. The probability of getting a disease was approximately 1.5%.
version: 4b4c4374bfe498d965d535304522193251238023

[quote=“Rorudo, post:49, topic:2951”]i2amroy
Ok, here is first 10 hours of my new run:
10:00. Started with disease resistance perk.
~11:00. Got -7 wet in the acid rain.
12-20:00. Took vitamins 3 times every ~3 hours.
20:00. Got a Common Cold.
Weather was ~18C all the day.
What else should I do to prevent a Common Cold in such circumstances? What does disease resistance perk do?[/quote]
Were you facing alcohol or drug withdrawal? As has been mentioned before withdrawal is currently bugged where it produces massive negative health drops, pretty much causing guaranteed sickness.

As for the actual code chance of you getting sick:

if (!has_disease("flu") && !has_disease("common_cold") && one_in(900 + 10 * health + (has_trait("DISRESISTANT") ? 300 : 0))) { if (one_in(6)) infect("flu", bp_mouth, 3, rng(40000, 80000), g); else infect("common_cold", bp_mouth, 3, rng(20000, 60000), g); }
So basically it rolls a 900 + 10 * health (+300 if you are disease resistant) sided die, and if you roll a one then it infects you with sickness (or at least tries to, mouth encumbrance is factored in). One out of 6 times it will be the flu, the other 5 will be colds.

The way the vitamins work is they give you +10 health, but they will never push you health stat higher then 10, regardless of how many you take (flu shots work the same way but are +100 with a cap of 100). This +10 bonus will reduce to zero in an average amount of time of approximately 13.4 hours or so (just off the top of my head, it’s been a while since I figured this out) so taking vitamins more often then that will reduce their maximum protection potential on average (due to the 10 cap) but provide some extra protection. If you’ve taken a flu shot or something else to raise your health stat above 10 (assuming you haven’t undergone drug withdrawal due to the bug) then taking vitamins is basically worthless. (For the +100 from flu shots the bonus will have reduced to zero in an average of ~3 days).