How to not get fricken diseases?

I take vitamins 3x a day, never eat junk food, sleep before I’m tired when possible, and I’m pretty much always sick. Common cold in the first week 100% of the time, I get a flu in summer when I’m too hot, literally get the flu off and I get a cold, probably from not having enough clothes (when I have warmth damage from wearing ANYTHING with a flu).

Only way I could try and get around this is disease resistance, but this is beyond ridiculous. I have 14 base strength, except I’m averaging 10 or 12 because of constant illness.

Hm, seems this time the cold went away very quickly. Is there something about overlapping disease timers possibly?

Since I’m kind of away from my computer, let me tell you what I remember, and see if it helps. I believe what I gained from my post is that vitamins prevent disease for about 8 hours. Vaccine shots are around or above 24 hours. See if antibiotics help the disease, but if that doesn’t work then royal jelly always does, so start looting scientists and labs for it. DayQuil and NyQuil alleviate symptoms for a hit, but not the disease. And if you’re cold in the winter a house closet probably has a peacoat or a winter coat somewhere. Normal characters also tend to get diseases within the first two weeks, so get started finding vitamins early. As for overlapping disease timers I don’t know without testing so I’ll leave it tone of the many great forumers who might be so kind as to enlighten us.

Vitamins actually give you a bonus that lasts for an average of ~14 hours, with the effect starting off strong and slowly reducing to no bonus. Vaccine shots give a boost that lasts for an average of 3.3 days, once again with the effect reducing as time goes by. Eating healthy things and avoiding unhealthy ones will also help you prevent diseases from striking.

Royal jelly will cure basically everything. Antibiotics only cure infected bite wounds.

You can also reduce your chance of getting the cold/flu by wearing mouth coverings, with enough mouth protection stopping you from ever getting sick.

i2amroy is right, i found a gasmask right off the bat with my current character and i haven’t been sick once. :slight_smile:

Does chugging vitamins still elicit their old effect?

are you using a dialy? I dont have issues with diseases much if i watch what i eat. dayquil/nyquil gets rid of them really quickly.

according to the wiki, how long a disease last is randomized and its a big spread. it sounds like you got real lucky with a roll for a short disease.

Try Make a melee caractere - full strenght. (20, not 14)
Gas mask, other piece of clothe that give environmental protection help.
And later mutation help (sewer for quick mutation potion to drink) with disease resistant/immune and strenght bonus (up to +7).
I almost never get disease with 20str+mask evenf i stick in cold area for a long time.

[quote=“Oragepoilu, post:8, topic:2182”]Try Make a melee caractere - full strenght. (20, not 14)
Gas mask, other piece of clothe that give environmental protection help.
And later mutation help (sewer for quick mutation potion to drink) with disease resistant/immune and strenght bonus (up to +7).
I almost never get disease with 20str+mask evenf i stick in cold area for a long time.[/quote]

That’s just overkill , if you want a fun character with traits and skills you like , just wear filter masks all the time and maybe take dissease resistant trait.

I only got sick once since that last episode, turns out I thought Air Filtration CBM was for smoke, reading the description carefully it seems it’s for diseases.

I also had royal jelly on me at the time since I was exploring labs, and said screw it, I have more, so I became healthy.

No. Vitamins and vaccine shots both have a cap equal to the amount of health you would get if you used one while health = 0 (10 for vitamins and 100 for vaccine shots). Taking more will just waste them.

I found this to be utterly realistic. A common cold can be relieved in two days. Influenza will always keep you at bay for about a week. Once I had some luck with cold symptoms, but it was summertime, I was well-dressed, also I kept the straining at minimum. The dayq-nyq routine sufficed.