Should cauterization exist?

A major issue is determining what exactly constitutes wounds, as they are? Is having less than full health considered having open wounds or is it something else? As it is,you can be scratched and hit and ripped up all through a town, and so long as you have no confirmed infections, you have no threat to having infections when all limbs are || and unbandaged, but, conversley, bashing damage as well as electricity can also bring you to that level. The main issue is the ambiguity in what a wound "means"
Also Pthalocy, if tetanus is in the game, shouldn’t tetanus vacines be in, too?

Maybe “Up to Date Vaccinations” should be an available trait, making you immune to tetanus and flu and resistant to infections.

It’s been implied (in other threads? Shit I suck at sourcing) that the flu-like and cold-like things we experience are not in fact the common ones of pre-cataclysm days, though it would seem that flu shots still have some effect in mitigating their likelihood through boosting your immune system (via very generic health attribute).

Tetanus was not included in that new disease variant category, but pointing out a lack of tetanus vaccines is a damn good point to be made. As is the ambiguity of injuries. The only time they exist as static objects is when they ARE infected. My proposed changes wouldn’t make wounds any less ambiguous, but it might make different damage sources a little more unique. A little.

Frankly, the whole concept needs smoothing over. I like your thoughts on it.