Zombies get walking soon is an old feature. But how can i turn this off?
Its out of my cataclysm conception and simply annoying.
After killing Z’s you can butcher and burn their tainted meat.
When monster info is moved to .json, they will probably have a “raise” flag. Remove that and they won’t raise.
I am not sure when monsters will be jsonified.
I think there’s an option in the menu to toggle whether zombies revive or not.
[quote=“Shoes, post:3, topic:3313”]When monster info is moved to .json, they will probably have a “raise” flag. Remove that and they won’t raise.
I am not sure when monsters will be jsonified.[/quote]
They do have a raise flag! As for the timeline, monster jsons will land at the same time that Galen’s mod manager lands (in fact it’s part of the same PR). For the moment if you decide you absolutely can’t deal with it you are always free to compile your own version (it’s not that difficult) and go through mtypedef.cpp removing all of the MF_REVIVES flags from various monsters.
There used to be, but it was replaced in favor of a monster flag, since that will allow more customizability (allowing everything from nothing revives to everything revives, and once the mod manager goes in this will be as simple a toggle as the old option was) and is an easy thing to build off of to make even more customizability later on (one idea is to have jsoned “upgrade” groups, which will allow reviving monsters to transform into new monsters pulled from those groups).
There used to be, but it was replaced in favor of a monster flag, since that will allow more customizability (allowing everything from nothing revives to everything revives, and once the mod manager goes in this will be as simple a toggle as the old option was) and is an easy thing to build off of to make even more customizability later on (one idea is to have jsoned "upgrade" groups, which will allow reviving monsters to transform into new monsters pulled from those groups).Wow, this game's gonna rock somebody's world, assuming that one's new to CataDDA and pretty enthusiastic about RLs. If you guys work out a way for rads as well as slimepit tar to influence zombified critters on the same maptile(s), Hell on Earth should be a rusty lamers' term with videogame culture.