Reworking bleeding

I can’t help but notice some…oddities, with the bleeding system, so i may as well suggest reworking it a bit.

Would it be possible, within the confines of the code, to make bleeding damage systematic? Not trying to sound rude or anything, but last i checked, each individual body part doesn’t have a closed circulatory system,so,would it be possible to make it so that bleeding damage would damage all of your body parts, to a certain, critical ,extent, anyway, to simulate that? And then make that damage permanent until you get proper medical attention, instead of slapping enough bandages on your face that you look like a mummy?

On that note, it would probably be a good idea to add blood-bags to hospitals ( relatively large chance of spawning) and clinics (relatively small), which you could then administer to yourself using an IV system ( I’d like to think that a makeshift one would probably be crafting by using

2 needles
2 fishing hooks
a steel frame
welding tool (15) Or ducktape (20)
heating element (40) ( to melt the following)
2-5 plastic chunks, to make the tube(s)

Anyway, this would probably make the game a bit more difficult, making it necessary to go into at least relatively dangerous areas (Hospitals, I’m looking at you and your spitters everywhere!) in order to get treatment from a bad run in with a wolf pack or BELOVED zombear, as well as make it so that you can’t just run back to home base and turn yourself into a mummy and get better immediately.
I would probably attempt to implement this in a mod, but i have absolutely zero idea how to code, sooo yeah…

Problem is that AFAIK there’s no area in which the conditions of: you can administer an IV to yourself and you ned a blood transfusion to survive overlap. You are either lying on the floor dying in a pool of your blood or you didn’t lose enough blood and you can recover after a few days of rest .

You know people don’t actually have a limited amount of blood in them, right? Blood is replenished through natural processes beyond blood transfusion. Plus, like John said, if you got to the point where you needed a blood transfusion to survive you would be in no state to perform it on yourself.

[quote=“sovietspyder, post:1, topic:5359”]I can’t help but notice some…oddities, with the bleeding system, so i may as well suggest reworking it a bit.

Would it be possible, within the confines of the code, to make bleeding damage systematic? Not trying to sound rude or anything, but last i checked, each individual body part doesn’t have a closed circulatory system,so,would it be possible to make it so that bleeding damage would damage all of your body parts, to a certain, critical ,extent, anyway, to simulate that? And then make that damage permanent until you get proper medical attention, instead of slapping enough bandages on your face that you look like a mummy?[/quote]

Blood loss shouldn’t “damage” your body parts. Loss of blood is realistically more like hunger/tired/thirst, in that having lost a lot of blood makes you slower and weaker and lower morale.

If you have an open wound you should be accumulating “blood loss” -modifiers. A larger open wound would accumulate it faster. Small open wounds (a shallow cut) should stop bleeding on their own. A large open wound shouldn’t stop bleeding until you can bandage/first aid/cauterize yourself. A limb severed in combat/accident/explosion should pretty much you’re going to die from blood loss unless you can somehow put a tourniquet on apply massive cauterization. Then again you should probably pass out from the pain of that.

“Blood loss” malus should slowly deteriorate when sleeping, although adjusted downwards when hungry/thirst. Blood bags for transfusions should be useful for instantly replacing blood.

This is pretty much the direction I want to take the health system. Add specific wound maluses that accumulate and heal using consistent logic bsed on real wounds/healing (accelerated by default, waiting a month for a broken bone to heal is a bit much), and then once there are enough specific wound maluses, phase out HP.

Self-transfusion is a bit questionable though, for one thing whole blood goes bad really quick. The only transfusion that would make sense in the cataclysm would be old school person-person transfusion, and has been pointed out, that’s only done in severe emergencies.

Why not actually have a blood quantity; call it Blood Pool or Blood Points? When you take a big hit of damage, you lose a chunk of it and gain a DoT (bleeding status) of variable loss rate depending on how bad a hit it was and what type. If its a bash attack it is internal bleeding and cannot be bandaged. The blood loss rate could be on each body part. When you bandage it, you stop the DoT or lessen it depending on first aid skill as long as its a cut bleed and not a bash bleed. Maybe some weapons have a component of each, etc.
Over time your bleed DoT slowly reduces (to simulate natural healing), but you may run out of blood first. If BP (blood points) drops to, say, 80% you start to incur stat debuffs and when you reach below 20% you start to have a chance to pass out and will die at 0%. You could have cybernetics and traits to affect things. Pass out easier, bleed less, auto IV CBM, harder to pass out, bleed more, larger blood pool, etc. etc.

Since Cata is 20 Minutes Into The Future, couldn’t we hypothesize some kind of long keeping, effective synthetic blood infusion?

Since Cata is 20 Minutes Into The Future, couldn’t we hypothesize some kind of long keeping, effective synthetic blood infusion?[/quote]

That’s rare, hard to get and use… which doesn’t solve the underlying problem. For all I care current bleeding mechanic simply has to disperse the damage across all body parts. Transfusions is something that should be limited to ‘perform on other’ situations in NPC context as per others opinion that to need transfusion, you need to be in a state in which you are not capable to perform it.

But would like to see them in-game, solely for the potential game-ending consequence of wrong blood type administration.

There has been a lot of progress in the last couple of years in finding a suitable form of artificial hemoglobin.

The theory is that such a substance would have a much longer shelf life than actual blood.

Given the setting and tech present in CataDDA, I could accept such a thing being present.

Also, I really like that idea on where to take damage. Would be really cool.

20 minutes?

20 minutes?[/quote]

Interesting, I had never heard of that term before.