Redundant professions

This, and maybe a couple other posts; idea:

Have a smaller list of broader professions. Default is unemployed, or you can invest in a field. By investing, you convert however many stat points into ‘profession points’, which you can then spend on associated equipment & !possibly! skills. That is, you may choose from a pool of items related to the profession which each cost a specific amount of profession points to select. 1 stat translates to 10 points translates to a couple articles of clothing and a wrench, that kind of deal.

As someone else stated, addictions can go under negative traits menu. Same with things like “shower victim”, which would prevent you from selecting equipment in the proff menu.

On fancy names: default class is “gun enthusiast”. Put two points into it, you become a “policeman”, three and you’re a “military recruit”, four is the max at “Veteran”.

In the same vein, possibly separate the selections for gear & clothing. Selecting a tool belt != selecting a crowbar.

Also, As you invest more points, the clothing fields can expand; where a gun enthusiast could get some jeans & a tank top, a policeman might be able to get a deputy badge and a kev vest. Same with tools & weapons.

Forgive me for rambling, I’m up past bedtime.