Realistic Drug Prices (mature content)

Definitely not an essential feature, by any means, just a slight fix for realism

Probably violates some forum rule, so it’s no harsh if deleted

I’d like to be able to buy 160 grams of cannabis for 40 bucks, but it sorta makes it pointless to play as a drug dealer.
Granted, that’s kind of a silly thing to play as, but I like the variety/option, and I don’t doubt for a second that survivors in the cataclysm would want to get fucked up.

I notice the wiki has it as 25/gram, which is a little steep.
15 to 20 a gram perhaps?

Probably best not to discuss the prices of harder drugs here, but I’ll leave that to the dev’s googling.

Side Note: It takes 12 cocaine to make 4 crack, when in fact the production of crack stretches it substantially. Actual numbers tend to vary, but one can generally turn coke into crack at 1:2 ratio.

Considering the drug effects don’t remotely resemble their real-world counterparts, there’s no reason to try and make other aspects match.

Good point, and it’s a simple enough fix that I can just make an ad hoc mod for my dealer character.

FWIW, drugs are part of the game and discussing their pricing in-game is entirely acceptable.

Discussing drug use in-game, likewise perfectly fine. (IRL drug use? try not to incriminate anyone, including yourself, and kindly don’t use our forum to trade goods/services that are illegal in the US.) Using drugs on others without their consent, that would be a problem.

It’s about forty to sixty dollars for an eighth of an ounce of dat good shit here in Chicago.
I’d expect an eighth of mary jane to go for the hundreds in the Cataclysm, people need that schticky-icky. Even if the Cataclysm brought anarchy with it, that doesn’t mean that things will still be the same price, AND it’s the future. Marijuana could be completely legalized and a pittance , or it could have had a large scale crackdown and is like gold.

[quote=“FrankyPlaysGames, post:5, topic:8852”]It’s about forty to sixty dollars for an eighth of an ounce of dat good shit here in Chicago.
I’d expect an eighth of mary jane to go for the hundreds in the Cataclysm, people need that schticky-icky. Even if the Cataclysm brought anarchy with it, that doesn’t mean that things will still be the same price, AND it’s the future. Marijuana could be completely legalized and a pittance , or it could have had a large scale crackdown and is like gold.[/quote]

Marijuana grow operations aren’t uncommon, but they are illegal. I’d imagine prices would be fairly similar, might have dropped a little, but I’m one of those Not Fun assholes who’s never smoked, bought, sold, or knowingly possessed.

Yes, of course you’d need some sort of knowledge of it to truly code it.
If you handle enough marijuana IRL, you can actually become allergic to the THC or something, and break out in rashes at the hands, and having a rash on your palm is the most infuriating thing that can possibly happen to a pothead. Any plans to add hemp allergies into the game, on top of wool and others?

This is really a part of the whole “NPCs kinda suck” problem more than anything. Basically any drug in the game can be crafted by the player, along with almost anything else, so why should the price be an issue? Even with dynamic NPCs on, you offer to trade and they just have shit they’ve picked up off the ground that you could have got yourself, and if you follow them around they get themselves killed and it’s free. Make NPCs better, trading become viable and then the issue of pricing is more valid…

Also the game is set pretty far in the future so inflation, plus supply and demand is going to be a bit skewed.

Yeah, inflation, it could be they just reset the currency and dropped an extra zero off the end like all those crap 3rd world countries do. So 3.50$ a gallon in the game really means 35$/ gallon if adjusted for modern dollars/ inflation, ect.

Pricing drugs, prices don’t even make sense with the NPC situation now. When the rest of ‘civilization’ you encounter is some harried, poorly equipped stray in the woods madly spraying UZI fire on squirrels, who the fuck is doing supply-demand analysis? There isn’t a such thing as a market, so prices don’t mean anything until there are NPC towns with large inventories and economies that can absorb you showing up with a truck full of crap looted from a lab or zombie town to sell.

Can some towns can be generated as more of a ghetto/rich/downtown area?
Like the houses in a ‘rich’ neighborhood might have garages with nice cars, nice houses with a fireplace and basement. Big beds and closets.
‘Ghetto’ neighborhoods might have simpler houses, drug stashes, weaponry, some houses might be boarded up especially in these areas.
‘Downtown’ could be a town that is more shops than housing, but the shops have a lot better loot than a shop from any other town. More futuristic and intricately designed perhaps? Downside is a shitton of fucking zombies, naturally.

[quote=“FrankyPlaysGames, post:10, topic:8852”]Can some towns can be generated as more of a ghetto/rich/downtown area?
Like the houses in a ‘rich’ neighborhood might have garages with nice cars, nice houses with a fireplace and basement. Big beds and closets.
‘Ghetto’ neighborhoods might have simpler houses, drug stashes, weaponry, some houses might be boarded up especially in these areas.
‘Downtown’ could be a town that is more shops than housing, but the shops have a lot better loot than a shop from any other town. More futuristic and intricately designed perhaps? Downside is a shitton of fucking zombies, naturally.[/quote]

I like this idea, but it takes place in rural New England, which is probably one of the most culturally homogeneous, strictly middle-class places in the USA, if not the world. Real cities are not modeled for gameplay and engine limitations. Big cities would be absolute shit-shows anyways. Little cow-towns in New England are really not going to have ghettos, uptowns, or anything else besides mainstreet, suburbs, outskirts, pretty much how it is now.

But I believe you have forgotten, Cataclysm takes place in… the future!

spooky ghost noises

Rural New England could be completely changed by that point in time, maybe?

[quote=“FrankyPlaysGames, post:12, topic:8852”]But I believe you have forgotten, Cataclysm takes place in… the future!

spooky ghost noises

Rural New England could be completely changed by that point in time, maybe?[/quote]

It’s like, 25 years from now. 25 years ago whatever town you live is is more then likely basically the same awful place it was back then. Rural cow-towns are not gonna going to have much ‘economic diversity’ especially if everything from policing to manufacturing is done by robots or some shit.

[quote=“FrankyPlaysGames, post:12, topic:8852”]But I believe you have forgotten, Cataclysm takes place in… the future!
spooky ghost noises[/color]

Rural New England could be completely changed by that point in time, maybe?[/quote]

Shouldn’t drugs be crazy expensive in Catamerica because the government is even more rightwing than the real US government is?
The more the police fights a drug, the more expensive it becomes.

I happily live in the Netherlands and whenever I hear something about the price of weed in the USA I can just feel pain in my wallet.

As for drug stashes… there definately should be drug stashes in rich mansions. You know. Big piles of weed next to the TV. Coke rooms with piles of coke on the table. It’s not poor people that keep the drugs market running.

OK. Just a heads-up:

  1. Pricing will eventually depend on NPC faction/role (a hypothetical Stoner NPC might pay more for marijuana than an equally hypothetical Right-Wing Conservative NPC). WIP.

  2. Currently, pricing reflects present-day IRL pricing as best we’re able. JSON price audits can be tedious; Rivet and I should have it sorted–was a major push to get the larger categories worked out in time for 0.B–but individual spot-checks can be done.