Quick fix typo(?) in flamethrower_crude recipe

So in 0.A-1470 (most recent experimental as of the time of writing, May 9th 2014) I was trying to create a mod implementing a couple of the ideas I brought up in this thread (namely a shakelight that can be used to produce poor lighting but can not be crafted or disassembled and must constantly be given time and attention via shaking), when I looked to the spraycan flamethrower for inspiration on how to make a recipe without any real primary skill gain (because even an untrained monkey can shake a piece of plastic).
The recipe for the spraycan flamethrower found in recipes.json in 0.A-1470:

“type” : “recipe”,
“result”: “flamethrower_crude”,
“category”: “CC_WEAPON”,
“subcategory”: “CSC_WEAPON_RANGED”,
“survival”: 0,
“skills_required”: [“survival”,1],
“difficulty”: 0,
“time”: 5000,
“reversible”: false,
“autolearn”: true,
“qualities” : [
“components”: [ [ [“spray_can”, 1] ],
[ [“duct_tape”, 25] ],
[ [“lighter”, 1] ] ]

What’s noteworthy is the lines:

"survival": 0, "skills_required": ["survival",1],
Every other recipe in recipes.json uses a format similar to:

"skill_used": "plate_spinning",
"difficulty": 700,
"skills_required": ["tornado_wrangling", 3],

Point being that there may be an error in the recipe causing it to register as Skill used: N/A in game, namely that it should instead be using:

"skill_used": "survival",
"difficulty": 1,

Thus having a corrected recipe:

“type” : “recipe”,
“result”: “flamethrower_crude”,
“category”: “CC_WEAPON”,
“subcategory”: “CSC_WEAPON_RANGED”,
“skills_required”: [“survival”,1],
“difficulty”: 1,
“time”: 5000,
“reversible”: false,
“autolearn”: true,
“qualities” : [
“components”: [ [ [“spray_can”, 1] ],
[ [“duct_tape”, 25] ],
[ [“lighter”, 1] ] ]

Unless, of course, the idea was to actually have the recipe not be dependent on any skill at all. In that case someone just needs to delete the first line.
I’m new to the forum and fiddling with the lua, so I’m not entirely sure where to go in order to fix this kind of thing (nor post the mod once I’ve completed it).

Basically what this means is that the recipe requires survival of 1 to craft, but will not provide any experience for the craft. I’m not sure if that’s intended or not, though.

Must the “survival”: 0, line exist for this to occur?

Just curious. No other recipes use the (line)“”: ,(/line) format in the entirety of the recipe list. Kind of stands out.

The json parser should ignore fields that it doesn’t know how to parse, so it shouldn’t affect anything, but it does sound like an an issue that could be fixed easily.

Cool, thanks. I was assuming as much because if it was causing problems then someone would have done something to it by now, taking all of a couple seconds to delete a line.

Rivet took care of it. Thanks for reporting.