[quote=“Coolthulhu, post:908, topic:5582”]Kevin’s layering PR is in.
New layering penalty rules are as follows:
[ul][li]Layering penalty of an item is its encumbrance or 10, whichever is lower. 0 encumbrance items cause 1 layering penalty.[/li]
[li]Highest layering penalty of each layer is ignored[/li]
[li]Layering penalty of a body part is the sum of layering penalties of all its layers[/li][/ul][/quote]
If I wear a winter coat (20 enc) and a backpack (11 enc) my torso encumberance is 31. Shouldn’t it be just 11, since the “Highest layering penalty of each layer is ignored” …? (Starting a new sheltered survivor on latest experimental build at the time of writing: Build 0.C-3683)