Commercial Power Armor "Impress your friends! Astound your enemies!"
Cheap, low-powered armor made from sheet metal and magnetic amplifiers. Will probably allow you to survive getting sneezed on. Eats batteries like candy.
3 Enc, 15 BP, 5 CP, 0 EP, 30 Warmth.
Powered: -3 enc, +1 Str, +1 Dex
Industrial Power Armor "For a hard-working man."
Steel tension cables, a spooling device, reinforced steel frame, and an engine give a substantial amount of strength for construction or emergency personnel. Kind of clumsy and enormous.
10 Enc, 30 BP, 40 CP, 50 EP, 80 Wa.
Powered: -7 Enc, +5 Str.
Alternatively, if programmable: Actually a small vehicle with high durability with a lift/grab/throw that renders you unable to shoot.
A replacement to milispec armors you sometimes find in various spots.
I have another idea, how about integrating bionics/traits/mutations into armor? With the power armor interface bionic, you could bring out its full potential.
For example:
Resource Integration Gear An integrated health management and strength augmentation system that assist users in previously impossible and dangerous environments. Many variations exist, each designed for specific working environments.
Built-in components:
Self-Aware (Trait)
Internal Storage
Cranial Flashlight
Increased Module Capacity
Hazardous Environment Suit "A full body hazardous material suit designed to protect its user from from heat, poison, energy discharges, and blunt-force trauma during the handling of hazardous materials.
Built in components:
Cranial Flashlight
Internal Climate Control
Thermal Dissipation
Air Filtration System
Prototype Power Suit: A combat suit designed with the most cutting edge technology available. While it’s primary purpose is combat; the suit is modular in nature, allowing for modifications and enhancements. However, there have been problems creating a power system small-yet-powerful enough to power this suit.
Built-in Components:
Parkour (Trait)
Implanted Night Vision
Fusion Blaster Arm
Targeting System
Mobility Assistance Gear A lightweight, orthopedic exoskeleton.
Very rare, mainly found in hospitals. Encumbering but can be worn with regular clothing for a small boost to strength.