Permanent or semi-permanent lights?

Nuclear powered lights, or maybe solar panels with some wire leading to a battery and light system? Even if it had to be something as crude as a new construct, a “roof with solar panel” tile, and anything rechargeable underneath it was applied charge, so we could build a ‘rechargeable flashlight’ or something and use that.

Or even on that subject, rechargeable batteries or electric tools would be nice.

Nuclear powered lights… um… what? (now I want one, but “what?”)
Solar panels, yes.

In the time being I recommend lighting up your house/base/exc with headlights.

Put down your lamp pole (steel frame)
Screw in a light bulb (weld on a flashlight)
Place your favourite chair in arms reach (attach car seat)
Check to make sure the light switch is properly wired (add controls)
Sit down in comfort and flip the switch. (turn on light)

Now that your light is on you “can” take back your seat (and controls) to go wire up other lights.

[quote=“pingpong, post:1, topic:1112”]Nuclear powered lights, or maybe solar panels with some wire leading to a battery and light system? Even if it had to be something as crude as a new construct, a “roof with solar panel” tile, and anything rechargeable underneath it was applied charge, so we could build a ‘rechargeable flashlight’ or something and use that.

Or even on that subject, rechargeable batteries or electric tools would be nice.[/quote]

you are a rechargeable tool and flashlight if you get a CBM: Metabolic Intercharge, CBM: Cranial Flashlight, CBM: Intergrated Toolset

The Crainial Flashlight is underpowered and Metabolic Interchange gets…tricky at higher amounts of Batteries installed. I prefer Solar Panels/Internal Furnace/Ethanol Burner, and agree that the Toolset is an excellent investment.

I haven’t tested it yet, but I think if you make frames and stick headlights on them you can turn the headlights on for infinite light.

oh man i can’t believe i didn’t think of that

what a good solution.

nah, none of those things can possibly provide the sheer amount of power metabolic can. i’ve had 150-200 worth of power installed. you just walk around with a couple MREs or pieces of uncooked meat (which you can cook with an integrated toolset for a mere 1 Power, which is way less than the amount of power eating meat provides.)

Internal furnace just doesn’t produce as much power. I ate a whole tree once and got a couple power. My metabolic interchange could have just regenerated that in a few turns. I don’t have time to stop and eat when I’m walking through triffid root blasting my fusion blaster every other step.

You ought to be able to rig up a generator for your shelter with a minireactor.

nah, none of those things can possibly provide the sheer amount of power metabolic can. i’ve had 150-200 worth of power installed. you just walk around with a couple MREs or pieces of uncooked meat (which you can cook with an integrated toolset for a mere 1 Power, which is way less than the amount of power eating meat provides.)

Internal furnace just doesn’t produce as much power. I ate a whole tree once and got a couple power. My metabolic interchange could have just regenerated that in a few turns. I don’t have time to stop and eat when I’m walking through triffid root blasting my fusion blaster every other step.[/quote]
Huh. It takes 7 power to cook a meat in 02Feb, last I checked. Glad Metabolic Exchange works for you, at least.

From a recent test of the git build, eating 3 pieces of cooked meat can bring you from Very Hungry (Metabolic Interchange does not function) to Full. Which then gave me around 50-60 energy before going back down to Very Hungry (Which took about 5 minutes using the Wait command).
I didn’t check the cost of cooking meat, but 21 for 50 seems like a good trade, assuming you kill rabbits with a fusion arm, 25 for 50 still seems like a good trade.

thank you a hundred times over for this gem. i am also slapping myself for not thinking of this, so if you’re into that sort of thing, i hope that is reward enough.

also, has anyone floated the idea of a CBM that can be used to recharge items from your power reserve? like a reversible CBM: Battery system?

nah, none of those things can possibly provide the sheer amount of power metabolic can. i’ve had 150-200 worth of power installed. you just walk around with a couple MREs or pieces of uncooked meat (which you can cook with an integrated toolset for a mere 1 Power, which is way less than the amount of power eating meat provides.)

Internal furnace just doesn’t produce as much power. I ate a whole tree once and got a couple power. My metabolic interchange could have just regenerated that in a few turns. I don’t have time to stop and eat when I’m walking through triffid root blasting my fusion blaster every other step.[/quote]
Huh. It takes 7 power to cook a meat in 02Feb, last I checked. Glad Metabolic Exchange works for you, at least.[/quote]

Maybe I misread it. I thought it was just 1. Regardless, what weyrling said. Honestly I think metabolic interchange is borderline broken. It completely alters the balance of Power and CBM power use. Since you have to eat anyway, it’s nothing special to just eat a little more. Wolves, bears, and cougars give so much meat that I can never use it all before it rots (I try to avoid cooking rotten meat because it’s cheesy and obviously a bug) so eating more is really easy.

Another form of illumination is lightstrips, which right now function for something like 120 days regardless of what their description says.

Need a crap load of them to read by, though.

Need a crap load of them to read by, though.[/quote]

like 2… :stuck_out_tongue:

Need a crap load of them to read by, though.[/quote]

like 2… :P[/quote]

hrumph? I thought it was like 4?

What was I thinking of then?

Need a crap load of them to read by, though.[/quote]
In the latest git version if you are carrying an active lightstrip in your inventory then you are able to perform all fine detail tasks (sewing and reading to name two) regardless of the current light level.

Need a crap load of them to read by, though.[/quote]
In the latest git version if you are carrying an active lightstrip in your inventory then you are able to perform all fine detail tasks (sewing and reading to name two) regardless of the current light level.[/quote]
wish I knew that before I used them as zombie bait…

Whelp, that’s 400 batteries I won’t be getting back. Hope they enjoyed the fireball.