On Zombie Revivication

Of course you or I need a brain to use our bodies. The blob doesn’t. It’s an autonomous mutagenic organism. It will choose the simplest path to reanimate a corpse. If there’s a brain it uses that. If there’s no brain, the goop - which is capable, as you know, of moving and acting independently - can fire signals into the nerves directly. If the nerves are gone it can replace them or bridge them with more goop.

This isn’t even particularly magical. As zombie explanations go it has far more internal consistency than a virus that somehow allows degraded muscle fibers to cycle, rotten nervous tissue to conduct signals, and dead flesh to somehow find the energy to move.


I gotta second this, zombie fiction is generally full of magic nonsense, CDDA is actually better than most, and I appreciate that.

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Following your logic makes shooting the brain more reasonable, not less. The path of least resistance would be using the existing brain to use less energy to reanimate the corpse.

The blob would leave behind only enough to get the corpse moving. Destroying the brain would still follow canon with exceptions of the undead that would require more blob as you suggest. A skeleton or whatever else.

While making you pulp the latter and head shot the former if the character is proficient at head attacks. Be it melee or shooting.

A 5.56x45mm/.223 to the chest could shatter your spine,a .7.62x51mm is even worse,a shotgun slug could probably open a fist sized hole on your chest.

Most modern small arms have the cabalility to destroy your body beyond repair, know that the blob pseudo science stuff says that they don’t need to much to work,but if the spine is shattered a zombie will be just harmfull as a corpse

Well yeah, that’s what’s happening when you drop a zombie with guns, you hit its brain or shatter its spine or something that incapacitates it for six-eight hours, until the blob either repairs the damage or builds a workaround to get it back up.

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Exactly. We know that zombies fall with sufficient generally catastrophic damage and that head shots are super effective. That’s why the canon is what it is

This is by far the most lore friendly and fun sounding option I have heard/seen

Blob is Nether BS. Lovecraftian horrors dont play our mundane games bucko

That sounds really nice. And if turrets will finish off zombies in that state as well, then all the better!

4th dimensional creatures in a 3 dimension plane still gotta play by most of our rules though. You lose some of your powers as a reasonable concession for entering our dimension. The way that some can break some of those rules would be to be like staying in their dimension and dangling their feet(purely example) into our 3d pool. But even then. Only some rules are bent/broken.

Perhaps fudging thismore one could argue tears in reality. Pocket realms etc… Similar realms of 3d rules but, they bend rules coupled with sufficiently high technology to appear magical.

This is a common misconception, the 4th dimensional creature is still transiting through the 4th dimension, your “dangling their feet in” analogy is a closer approximation with what is happening, they can still interact across the 4th dimension, allowing them to very specifically “break” many of the rules of existence imposed on three dimensional creatures.

Blob wise, that is exactly what is happening, the blob has one or more gigantic bodies, and it extends countless pseudopods from it’s body into our dimension, specifically into the bodies of living creatures, and it uses these pseudopods to interact with and modify those creatures to meet it’s needs.