On The Jabberwock

It’d also be nice if the Jabberwock had some sort of decent loot. Meat that’s super filling, maybe? Or claws that can be made into weapons?

Yeah, Tee, we need more incentive to kill these really high-level creatures.

Like, what’s the point of killing an Amigara Horror? Why would you ever fight nether creatures unless you were completing a challenge?

Each one should give you something interesting- not game-breaking, but interesting.

[code]Jabberwock Claw Sword

Wg: 2 Vol: 12

A blade retrieved from the ungodly abomination that is the Jabberwock. It is near weightless and seems accustomed to the hand. You do not feel entirely sane wielding it.[/code]

Possibly give you hallucinations periodically (much more horrible than schizophrenic ones) or increase the jabberwock spawn rate? Both would happen when it’s in your inventory/within 10 tiles of you or something.

Jabberwock Heart
Weight 3, Volume 5
It still hasnt stopped beating. It’s strange rhythmic thumping entrances you, making you feel strangely happy
While in your inventory, you get a static mood buff that’s small, but helpful. They stack, too.

Jabberwock Blood
Can be drained into plastic bottles and distilled into an explosive paste, similar to thermite. Can burn through metal doors

I’m terrible at ideas, but maybe this’ll help you guys figure out something great.

[quote=“i2amroy, post:14, topic:1878”]In cataclysm however, Jabberwocks are a huge flesh golem made out of humand and animal parts and with lots of writhing faces; they probably look something like this:

boo. the classic is preferred:

[quote=“grisamentum, post:84, topic:1878”][quote=“i2amroy, post:14, topic:1878”]In cataclysm however, Jabberwocks are a huge flesh golem made out of humand and animal parts and with lots of writhing faces; they probably look something like this:

boo. the classic is preferred:


I always thought of them as the Flesh Golems from Dungeons and Dragons.

So wait a second, does this mean they almost never spawn anymore? O.o

Dangit, no wonder i haven’t found one… Oh well, if nothing else then i have had fun exploring the forest and the nearby country side :slight_smile: I have gotten myself some pretty nice loot out of it too :smiley:

[quote=“kilozombie, post:82, topic:1878”]Yeah, Tee, we need more incentive to kill these really high-level creatures.

Like, what’s the point of killing an Amigara Horror? Why would you ever fight nether creatures unless you were completing a challenge?

Each one should give you something interesting- not game-breaking, but interesting.

[code]Jabberwock Claw Sword

Wg: 2 Vol: 12

A blade retrieved from the ungodly abomination that is the Jabberwock. It is near weightless and seems accustomed to the hand. You do not feel entirely sane wielding it.[/code]

Possibly give you hallucinations periodically (much more horrible than schizophrenic ones) or increase the jabberwock spawn rate? Both would happen when it’s in your inventory/within 10 tiles of you or something.[/quote]

Re Sword: Currently, there’s a type of gear that can cause effects for having it in inventory, equipped, or actively used for effect.

Re Horror: Kill all of them while you can’t move away from the Fault (roughly 10 turns) and you’ll get the chance to mess with one of the aforementioned items…

just because something is powerful and hard to kill doesn’t mean he should drop stupidly powerful weapons , this isn’t any regular RPG where everything gives rewards even if it’s out of context (jabberwock dropping sword?). i think he should be way more powerful , because there are only few enemies that you have to worry about and maybe jabberwocks should also spawn in caves.

I am with Woflspider on this one, once you really get going there arn’t many enemies you have to worry about. Lately i have lost more characters to either accidents and diseases than to actual monsters.

So maybe we do need really powerful but somewhat rare (or at least, less common) monsters like the jabberwock in order for us to still have something to keep us on our toes.

Specially since i still haven’t found the damn thing >.<’

Is what you mean.

Well not really, because i barely use vehicles. I just mean that once you get a good weapon and/or reach a certain point in the combat skill of your choice then monsters (in my experience) just don’t feel like that much of a threat anymore.

Well, that’s when you start looking for challenges. How about the underground? have you toppled a Rat King? survived a Mine finale? claimed your prizes from a Strange Temple? I hope there aren’t any more Triffids around, because obviously you killed their Heart? got the Marloss Berries from that Fungal Bloom and killed the Spire? that Anthill is empty now?

High-level challenges don’t need to seek out the player. There’s value in letting the player get powerful, such that they can stop reacting to challenges, and instead start acting against the opposition. Taking the offensive can be very rewarding, IMO.