NPC situation?

So, I haven’t played in a few months and was wondering what the situation is with the NPC’s?

Static or Random?

Depends on what your criteria for playable is. If you mean bug wise, I rarely get crashes caused by NPCs nowadays(I think) and I always play with both enabled.
Balance wise… They can end your game unreasonably quickly or make it WAY easier, depending on your luck and just how cautious/aggressive you are around them.

They also have a tenancy for having interesting items and I love being able to gain free skills from them.

Agreed, bugwise they aren’t much of a problem anymore, I haven’t had a NPC related crash in awhile.

Gameplay wise, there have been a lot of improvements, but not quite there yet. If they trust you you can have them stay and guard a location so they aren’t always running off, and of course you can tell them to use/not use grenades, guns, and suppressed weapon, and set the engagement rules. AFAIK the only thing that really needs improvement now is a property system so they don’t steal your shit.

Hmm, I started up a new character and have to concur with you guys. NPC’s do really need some understanding of property (at this point, I’m just storing what I need underground to prevent stick-fingers).

One question though, how long before I can ask them to teach me something after I’ve already asked and been refused?

Side-note, walking around with a small group makes the game so much more interesting; I imagine if they added personalities, the interactions between the companions alone, would make an awesome game. But really happy the bugs have been taken care of.

for static npc just make missions for them they will have 100% trust for you

alslo now is good to play with static npc random are good too but they are realy random

I found this Refugee Center a short while ago and finally got the courage to break into it. What I found was AMAZING!
NPCs with names, jobs, personalities-even one arsonist girl with Lupine ears. Then I learned-by interacting with them, of course-that they were all parts of one faction or another.
That was a pretty great addition, to say the least. And I think if you do enough jobs for them, you can get recruited into a faction. The only bug I’ve seen is a terrible crash when you try to talk to mission-related NPCs. Not too big a deal; if you’re aware of the problem, you could just save beforehand and repeat the process till you get it right.

That would be Ms. Sanchez.

That would be Ms. Sanchez.[/quote]
Finally a Dev I could ask. Are there other settlements, forts, or camps with NPCs that generate now? I couldn’t find anything on the wiki. Also, Ms. Sanchez is awesome! Very very good fanfic material too. Couldn’t get her to be my companion, though.

NPC quests are buggy right now but otherwise NPCs are functioning alright.

That would be Ms. Sanchez.[/quote]
Finally a Dev I could ask. Are there other settlements, forts, or camps with NPCs that generate now? I couldn’t find anything on the wiki. Also, Ms. Sanchez is awesome! Very very good fanfic material too. Couldn’t get her to be my companion, though.[/quote]

There are bandit camps. They are extremely dangerous.

And you can’t get them to talk before shooting? Wait, are camps and centers only generated on random NPCs? I’m trying to get past a bug where you have to “find a rat” and you can’t talk to anyone while on the quest if you don’t want to crash the game.

[quote=“NoobKid, post:11, topic:7556”]And you can’t get them to talk before shooting? Wait, are camps and centers only generated on random NPCs? I’m trying to get past a bug where you have to “find a rat” and you can’t talk to anyone while on the quest if you don’t want to crash the game.
I LOVE NPCS!!![/quote]

Last time I approached a bandit camp, I was shot on sight.
The bandits tried to chase me but soon forgot about me to attack flies, frogs and whatever else was around.

I believe camps and centers are tied to static NPC spawns.

Have any of you found friendly settlements and made a sort of base there? I tried once, the guards couldn’t care less even when I started reinforcing the windows. I still haven’t found anything else.

I believe there are supposed to be hidden survivor houses in Forest tiles with people on them (bandits?) but I haven’t found any yet.

And yeah, guards don’t care about anything yet as far as I can tell, as long as you don’t hurt people.

Does anyone know who added/implemented the NPC settlements? So I can find out where to monitor his/her progress? I can’t stand not knowing what’s out there! Because it’s like Bill said, “As bad as [the infected] are, at least they’re predictable; it’s the normal people that scare me.”

Acidia made the settlements, made bandit camps, coded the missions, and wrote most of the dialogue.

Npcs not crashing are the product of a lot of effort from various coders.

Finally some NPC’s camps! 3 So,now i can kill everyone and steal their stuff know someone! :smiley: i love when there are fightins between factions -

Me too, but it sucks that I can’t seem to figure out how to get recruited into one. I made a “Robin Hood-ish” character who takes from bandits and gives to government officials (the Old Guard).

Uuuuuh,cool chara :3

So any news if a property system has been implemented in a recent experimental?