No tiles using cygwin install - path problem?

I have tiles set in options (by default) - but no tiles when i run the game

i assume its a pathing problem?

don’t really know what i am doing here but i changed gfx.txt to as shown below (changes are bold/underlined)

[spoiler]#Until multiple tilesets are implemented, there should only ever be these two entries
#in this file.

#Paths to Deon’s tileset: c:/cygwin/home/doctoxic/Cataclysm-DDA/gfx/DeonTileset/tile_config.json & /deontiles.png
#Paths to Hoder’s tileset: gfx/HoderTileset/tile_config.json & /hodertiles.png

#JSON Path - Default of gfx/tile_config.json
#JSON: gfx/DeonTileset/tile_config.json
JSON: c:/cygwin/home/doctoxic/Cataclysm-DDA/gfx/DeonTileset/tile_config.json & /deontiles.png
#Tileset Path - Default of gfx/tinytile.png
TILESET: gfx/DeonTileset/deontiles.png

#HODER’S TILESET – Commented out
#JSON Path - Default of gfx/tile_config.json
#JSON: gfx/HoderTileset/tile_config.json
#Tileset Path - Default of gfx/tinytile.png
#TILESET: gfx/HoderTileset/hodertiles.png[/spoiler]

but this doesn’t do anything

suggestions welcome :slight_smile:

many thanks

"JSON: c:/cygwin/home/doctoxic/Cataclysm-DDA/gfx/DeonTileset/tile_config.json & /deontiles.png"
There’s your problem. It does not accept the &/deontiles.png part of the string. Remove that and it should work

thanks - but that doesn’t seem to work either - file looks like this…

#JSON Path - Default of gfx/tile_config.json
#JSON: gfx/DeonTileset/tile_config.json
JSON: c:/cygwin/home/doctoxic/Cataclysm-DDA/gfx/DeonTileset/tile_config.json
#Tileset Path - Default of gfx/tinytile.png
TILESET: c:/cygwin/home/doctoxic/Cataclysm-DDA/gfx/DeonTileset/deontiles.png

#HODER’S TILESET – Commented out
#JSON Path - Default of gfx/tile_config.json
#JSON: gfx/HoderTileset/tile_config.json
#Tileset Path - Default of gfx/tinytile.png
#TILESET: gfx/HoderTileset/hodertiles.png

Did you do anything special to install support for SDL on cygwin? As best as I can tell cygwin takes some extra work to properly support SDL (and therefore tiles) since it’s designed to emulate linux when possible.

no - just installed what was specified in the forum post about installing cygwin

is it possible to go back and install extra bits as you suggest - and if so what exactly do i install


EDIT :in case it makes any difference – i installed the 32 bit version of cygwin as per the wikki (though i do have win7 64bit)

A check shows that currently Cygwin and SDL 1.2 (which is what we use) are currently incompatible and therefore it is impossible to compile a tiles version using Cygwin. If we update to SDL2 at a point in the future (which hopefully shouldn’t be too difficult) then Cygwin and tiles builds should become compatible once again. I’ve added a note to the wiki compiling page, hopefully that should prevent people from running into this again.

For now your options are to either download a different program to compile, or just to go without tiles sadly. (Also remember to do “make TILES=1” and then “./cataclysm-tiles” if you want to make and play a version with tiles.)

thanks for the explanation - much appreciated