The widows Sdl latest experimental is broken, as in you start the game and only a black screen will pop out.
The debug shows this:
Parse error in gfx/tile_config.json
Error: syntax error at line 1 near:
The curse version seems to work well however
i can’t play the latest nightly build too
Do note that you can use the curses experimental if you really want to play right now
I know, I just noticed that the SDL is supposed to have a tileset support in or something like it, so I’ll wait for it to get fixed… Very interesting, das all. :3
I’ve messaged the guy managing the builds on IRC to include the gfx/ folder in the SDL builds. For now, though, if you download the source and copy-paste the gfx/ folder into the game directory it should work as intended.
Or, if you make a new JSON and tileset PNG you can change the path being looked at from the defaults in data/gfx.txt over to the path of the new JSON and tileset image. So, say you made a new JSON called “tiledefinitions.json” and tileset called “newtileset.png” and put them into the same directory as the game’s EXE you’d change the values in data/gfx.txt to “JSON: tiledefinitions.json” and “TILESET: newtileset.png” That will tell the loader to point at those files instead of the default location in the gfx directory.
Sorry for the inconvenience, it should be fixed later tonight.