Pretty simple stuff only at the moment, as this is my first mod (pretty much first attempt at coding too.)
So far added 3 weapons and an ammo type. The general aim is for homemade weapons and ammunition for mid to late game characters.
-Sabot rounds
-sabot nails
basically a step up from nails, still low damage but still relatively easy to make.
-sabot flechette
the armor piercing variant of the sabot round, still relatively low damage but almost all peircing.
-sabot bearings
the hollowpoint of the sabot family, higher damage but barely any armor piercing at all.
Making the rounds uses the hotplate, a mold, a cutting tool and plastic chunks, in addition to whatever is inside the sabot.
-sabot Autocannon
high rate of fire, lowish damage and accuracy. Kinda like a minigun.
Ingame description:
A heavily modified nailgun, utilizing both an electronic rotary loading system and replacement of the springloaded nail driver with a pneumatic one, this weapon fires at an astonishing rate.
However, it has become restricted to sabot clad ammunition."
-EM Driver
high damage, low firerate. uses UPS and sabot rounds.
still not too sure about this one really, seems a bit superfluous considering the rebar rifle, which is really what I’m basing it off.
Still need to test these further and balance them, and make and add the weapon crafting recipes to the game.
Once I figure out how do more stuff I’ll be trying to add to it too, like weapon mods or something. And more guns and ammo.
Anyway, suggestions and recommendations would be nice. Thanks in advance!
Okay, Preliminary work seems to be complete, and I don’t think this breaks anything, and the guns don’t seem overpowered, so here is release 1.0
NOTES: -EM Driver description says that a recipe was found even though it is auto learned. gonna leave it like that until I figure out how to add it to a book.
-Nail Autocannon with sabot bearings devastates at close range. Not sure if a feature or overpowered.
Please tell me if something doesn’t work or is too powerful (or weak).
"id": "nailgat",
"type": "GUN",
"symbol": "(",
"color": "yellow",
"name": "nail autorifle",
"description": "A heavily modified nailgun, utilizing both an electronic rotary loading system and replacment of the springloaded nail driver with a pneumatic one, this weapon fires at an astonishing rate. However, it has become restricted to sabot clad ammunition.",
"price": 4000,
"material": ["plastic", "steel"],
"skill": "rifle",
"ammo": "sab",
"weight": 1000,
"volume": 14,
"bashing": 8,
"cutting": 0,
"to_hit": -3,
"ranged_damage": 2,
"range": 12,
"dispersion": 20,
"recoil": -3,
"durability": 8,
"burst": 50,
"clip_size": 400,
"reload": 750,
"valid_mod_locations": [["grip", 1 ],["sights", 1 ],["stock", 1 ]]
"id": "emdriver",
"type": "GUN",
"symbol": "(",
"color": "yellow",
"name": "EM driver",
"description": "An Electro Magnetic Driver, you barely understand why it works, but thankfully the instructions you found were very detailed. Apparently the plastic sabot you use is vaporised by the current and forms a plasma cloud around the projectile, which helps produce the required magnectic fields.",
"price": 4000,
"material": ["plastic", "steel"],
"ammo_effects": "TRAIL",
"flags": ["USE_UPS_40","RELOAD_ONE"],
"skill": "rifle",
"ammo": "sab",
"weight": 1000,
"volume": 17,
"bashing": 7,
"cutting": 0,
"to_hit": -4,
"ranged_damage": 40,
"range": 20,
"dispersion": -8,
"recoil": 10,
"durability": 8,
"burst": 0,
"clip_size": 5,
"reload": 350
{ "type" : "AMMO",
"id" : "sabnail",
"price" : 100,
"name" : "sabot nails",
"symbol" : "=",
"color" : "cyan",
"description" : "A box of nails with handcrafted plastic sabots. While this dramatically increases their accuracy and range and slightly increases their damage, it restricts their use to specialised weapons.",
"material" : ["iron", "plastic"],
"volume" : 1,
"weight" : 4,
"bashing" : 1,
"cutting" : 0,
"to_hit" : 0,
"ammo_type" : "sab",
"casing" : "NULL",
"damage" : 6,
"pierce" : 4,
"range" : 6,
"dispersion" : 30,
"recoil" : 6,
"count" : 50
{ "type" : "AMMO",
"id" : "sabflc",
"price" : 100,
"name" : "sabot flechette",
"symbol" : "=",
"color" : "cyan",
"description" : "A box of handcrafted flecehettes encased in plastic sabots. These provide high range, accuracy and can pierce armor. However, they do not cause much damage to the target in comparison to conventional weapons.",
"material" : ["steel", "plastic"],
"volume" : 1,
"weight" : 4,
"bashing" : 1,
"cutting" : 0,
"to_hit" : 0,
"ammo_type" : "sab",
"casing" : "NULL",
"damage" : 8,
"pierce" : 6,
"range" : 20,
"dispersion" : 18,
"recoil" : 7,
"count" : 50
{ "type" : "AMMO",
"id" : "sabball",
"price" : 100,
"name" : "sabot bearings",
"symbol" : "=",
"color" : "cyan",
"description" : "A box of bearings in handcrafted plastic sabots. These rounds cause significant trauma, but bad aerodynamics reduce accuracy and they have negligable ability to penetrate armor.",
"material" : ["iron", "plastic"],
"volume" : 1,
"weight" : 4,
"bashing" : 1,
"cutting" : 0,
"to_hit" : 0,
"ammo_type" : "sab",
"casing" : "NULL",
"damage" : 10,
"pierce" : 1,
"range" : 0,
"dispersion" : 35,
"recoil" : 6,
"count" : 50
"type" : "ammunition_type",
"id" : "sab",
"name" : "sabot rounds",
"default" : "sabnail"
“type” : “recipe”,
“result”: “nailgat”,
“category”: “CC_WEAPON”,
“subcategory”: “CSC_WEAPON_RANGED”,
“skill_used”: “mechanics”,
“skills_required”: [“gun”,4],
“difficulty”: 5,
“time”: 20000,
“reversible”: false,
“autolearn”: true,
“tools”: [
[“goggles_welding”, -1]
[“hacksaw”, -1], [“toolset”, -1]
[“screwdriver”, -1], [“toolset”, -1]
[“wrench”, -1], [“toolset”, -1]
[“welder”, 200], [“welder_crude”, 300], [“toolset”, 6]
“components”: [
[“pipe”, 2]
[“nailgun”, 1]
[“duct_tape”, 150],
[“superglue”, 1]
[ “2x4”, 1],
[ “stick”, 1 ]
[“metal_tank_small”, 1]
[“e_scrap”, 2]
[“steel_chunk”, 2],
[ “scrap”, 6 ]
“type” : “recipe”,
“result”: “emdriver”,
“category”: “CC_WEAPON”,
“subcategory”: “CSC_WEAPON_RANGED”,
“skill_used”: “electronics”,
“skills_required”: [“gun”,5],
“difficulty”: 7,
“time”: 20000,
“reversible”: false,
“autolearn”: true,
“tools”: [
[“goggles_welding”, -1]
[“hacksaw”, -1], [“toolset”, -1]
[“screwdriver”, -1], [“toolset”, -1]
[“wrench”, -1], [“toolset”, -1]
[“welder”, 200], [“welder_crude”, 300], [“toolset”, 6]
[“soldering_iron”, 50 ]
“components”: [
[“pipe”, 1]
[“rebar”, 2]
[“duct_tape”, 50],
[“superglue”, 1]
[“metal_tank_small”, 1]
[“e_scrap”, 6]
[ “small_storage_battery”, 1 ],
[ “UPS_off”, 1 ]
[“steel_chunk”, 3],
[ “scrap”, 9 ]
"type" : "recipe",
“result”: “sabnail”,
“category”: “CC_AMMO”,
“subcategory”: “CSC_AMMO_OTHER”,
“skill_used”: “fabrication”,
“difficulty”: 4,
“time”: 25000,
“reversible”: false,
“autolearn”: true,
“tools”: [
[“mold_plastic”, -1]
[“hotplate”, 5],
[“toolset”, 1],
[“fire”, -1]
“components”: [
[“plastic_chunk”, 2]
[“nail”, 50]
“type” : “recipe”,
“result”: “sabflc”,
“category”: “CC_AMMO”,
“subcategory”: “CSC_AMMO_OTHER”,
“skill_used”: “fabrication”,
“difficulty”: 7,
“time”: 35000,
“reversible”: false,
“autolearn”: true,
“tools”: [
[“mold_plastic”, -1]
[“hotplate”, 5],
[“toolset”, 1],
[“fire”, -1]
“components”: [
[“plastic_chunk”, 2]
[“steel_chunk”, 1],
[ “scrap”, 3 ]
“type” : “recipe”,
“result”: “sabball”,
“category”: “CC_AMMO”,
“subcategory”: “CSC_AMMO_OTHER”,
“skill_used”: “fabrication”,
“difficulty”: 7,
“time”: 30000,
“reversible”: false,
“autolearn”: true,
“tools”: [
[“mold_plastic”, -1]
[“hotplate”, 5],
[“toolset”, 1],
[“fire”, -1]
“components”: [
[“plastic_chunk”, 2]
[“bearing”, 50]