alright i’ll get strait to the point,
i ate a bunch of raw meat and no i’v had this my bowels hurt for almost 2 seasons (24 days) now.
how can i cure it, or will it go away automatically?
alright i’ll get strait to the point,
i ate a bunch of raw meat and no i’v had this my bowels hurt for almost 2 seasons (24 days) now.
how can i cure it, or will it go away automatically?
You haven’t taken a dump for 2 SEASONS. No shit they ache given the amount of food they are holding.
Cataclysm reality
Your quivering bowels are a sign of parasitic influence.
You got a tape worm up your bum
[quote=“pisskop, post:3, topic:11692”]Your quivering bowels are a sign of parasitic influence.
You got a tape worm up your bum[/quote]
so what, do i have to find someone to go in after it?
antiparasitic drugs. Found in Doc offices, vets, Labs, and maybe crafted with survival.
In the grimdark future, there are no proctologists, only hulks.
Tanbark tea and royal jelly should do the trick also.
Yeah, I believe royal jelly will fix most any non-mutagenic bodily affliction.
btw, anyone ever read Filth by Irvine Welsh? Brilliant book, and a tapeworm is one of the main characters.
If you don’t know yet, royal jelly is obtained at beehives, the only one I found being in the middle of a forest. Bee prepared to fight a lot of giants bees and scarred zombies. There will also be honeycombs scattered about, and quite a few of a them.
You can get royal jelly in labs as well. Is it more or less dangerous? That depends on what’s behind DOOR NUMBER THREE!
Royal Jelly also appears in school lab supply rooms and the occasional home basement.
Take antiparasitic medication (it’s called something like that, first word is guaranteed), it’s far more common than royal jelly. It will kill it.
How long will it take to kill it?
Instant effect. You’ll get suggestive message if something is killed.
A couple characters ago I spent multiple seasons in the wild just trying to grind my survival and cooking skill enough to make some bark tea to get rid of a parasite. My girl was so weak and miserable, could barely outrun anything and was in constant pain. Thank god for the tent and sleeping bag from the abandoned campsite. Unfortunately she was murderized on her first supply run after ridding herself of her butt buddy.
Parasites can be a real pain in the ass for a newb charater.
mugwort oil works too, requires cooking (4) and survival (4)
and cooking oil.
Scavenge for awhile, and you should be able to reach those skills with the supplies to back it easily.
I was curious about mugwort. Didn’t really know anything about it.
From an amazon sellers description:
"Mugwort is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and has become an invasive weed in North America. Its leaves have have long been used as a flavoring agent to season fat, meat, or fish, and is perhaps most famously known for seasoning Goose in Germanic traditions. In Japan and Korea it is also known for being used to color festive rice cakes, and is a common seasoning within Korean soups and pancakes. It should be noted that Mugwort can be a hallucinogenic, but when cooked those properties are neutralized. In the mid-ages Mugwort was part of a herbal mix called Gruit, which was used to flavor beer before the widespread use of hops, likely resulting in hallucination as well as inebriation! In ancient and medieval times Mugwort was also used for its magical properties, where it was seen as a protective herb that could dispel fatigue and protect a traveler from evil spirits and wild animals. Indeed, it was included in the 10th century “Nine Herb Charm” that is said to ward off poison and illness. It is also supiced to be a potent aid in lucid dreaming, astral travel, and otherwise increasing the intensity of dreams, as well as the ability to control and remember them. In Ayurveda medicine in India, Mugwort is also used for cardiac complaints, feelings of unease, and general malaise. Within Chinese medicine, it is pulverized and aged into a form called Moxa. In this form it has shown a great deal of aid in positioning fetuses that are in breech positioning. Moxa and acupuncture has also been shown to slow fetal heart rates while increasing fetal movement. Moxa has also been shown however to possibly cause uterine contractions. "
Seems like we need more mugwort flavored beer and pancakes. Who doesn’t want to hallucinate while eating pancakes during the apocalypse?
Royal jelly can also be crafted… but since you need honey comb for the crafting recipe, you’re better off getting jelly from the hive. The royal jelly is pretty much located in the center of the 9x9 map of hives.
That said, with royal jelly and a chunk of meat you can make royal beef, which is very filling and enjoyable. Not sure if that meal carries the healing properties of royal jelly though.
[spoiler][quote=“Excaliber, post:14, topic:11692”]A couple characters ago I spent multiple seasons in the wild just trying to grind my survival and cooking skill enough to make some bark tea to get rid of a parasite. My girl was so weak and miserable, could barely outrun anything and was in constant pain. Thank god for the tent and sleeping bag from the abandoned campsite. Unfortunately she was murderized on her first supply run after ridding herself of her butt buddy.
Parasites can be a real pain in the ass for a newb charater.[/quote][/spoiler]
“Butt buddy”
“Pain in the ass”
This made me laugh more that it should’ve.
its strange that zombie meat is less dangerous than raw meat
zombie: give short poison what do not do anything + negative morale
raw meat: parasite what do not go over time + negative morale
You friendly neignour hood bio operator and his friend turret around the corner, in the dark… doing turret things