Mutation : Bark, phelloderm

Hello, small talk question here ;
In the latest experimental, do the Bark mutation have the same hydration bonus (20% ignore chance per tick i believe) as phelloderm, or do it is still as useless as it used to be ?
(I can’t see how the small protective bonus could be as near as good as less thirst bonus)

Another one, do I have a way to know myself what are the effect of the mutations outside of decompiling (?) the game ( I’m a basic user - no real idea what it is about). Was wondering, 'cause i saw a mycus mutation set in recently and i’d love to know more about it. Asking for anything that could have been added recently i’d like to know will be annoying for everyone, that’s why I ask this (not looking for information like “less thirst” but the real effect code wise, not everybody can answer it without looking himself).
Not sure if the last part is clear enough. Sorry if it’s not, don’t worry about it.

You can try the wiki (last time I saw it didn’t have any specifics on the mycus aside from spoiler material on how to get it).

You can try debugging the mutations in and testing them.

No need to decompile, just go to the cleverraven git repo and search.
Seriously, it’s real simple. You’ll need to look through a bit of code but maybe you’ll learn a new skill or two.

Sorry, not sure on the thirst issue. Thought bark was just a defense bonus, not gone up the plant mutcat yet.

Near as I can tell from going through the .Json files you can find some info out, such as wet protection or stat changes, but I’m not seeing anything related to actual mutation effects. Probably going to have to hit up the github and go through the source if you want that.

You can read all the descriptions in data/json/mutation.json. The file is human-readable.

If you want the precise values, you need to search the source code.
This generally requires basic programming knowledge to understand, but some sections are commented well enough that you can do without any experience in programming.

To get the source, open GitHub - CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA: Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A turn-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world. and select “Download ZIP”. Unpack the source somewhere.
Then you need a good text search program to search the files.
In data/json/mutations.json, find the mutation you want to check, copy its id (for example, GOODHEARING) and use the text search program to find all instances of this text in the src directory. For GOODHEARING, it’s in player.cpp and weather.cpp.

Thx a lot for the answer, I was able to find what I was looking for. (= bark less useful than phelloderm. Gotta need to get rid of it now).

Will help a lot finding other stuff as well. :slight_smile: