More arrows

Making arrows from bones.

Making flaming arrows by wrapping arrows with rags and dousing them with gasoline or liquor (less accuracy due to worse aerodynamics?).

Metal and rock arrowtips for more damage.


[quote=“Guuo, post:1, topic:1696”]Making arrows from bones, two-by-fours.

Making flaming arrows by wrapping arrows with rags and dousing them with gasoline or liquor (less accuracy due to worse aerodynamics?).

Metal and rock arrowtips for more damage.


I want bone arrows, simply because i need something to do with all these bones i keep getting that isn’t throwing them in the fire.

Sounds simple enough.


{ "type" : "AMMO", "id" : "arrow_stone", "rarity" : 7, "price" : 100, "name" : "stone arrow", "symbol" : "=", "color" : "green", "description" : "An arrow carved from wood with a stone arrowhead. It does a bit more damage than standard wood but is heavier and significantly less accurate. Stands a good chance of remaining intact once fired.", "material" : "wood", "volume" : 2, "weight" : 80, "bashing" : 1, "cutting" : 0, "to_hit" : 0, "ammo_type" : "arrow", "damage" : 10, "pierce" : 3, "range" : 0, "accuracy" : 10, "recoil" : 0, "count" : 10 },

{ "type" : "AMMO", "id" : "arrow_metal", "rarity" : 7, "price" : 100, "name" : "metal arrow", "symbol" : "=", "color" : "green", "description" : "An arrow carved from wood with a metal arrowhead. It does more damage but its weight lowers its accuracy. Stands a good chance of remaining intact once fired.", "material" : "wood", "volume" : 2, "weight" : 90, "bashing" : 1, "cutting" : 0, "to_hit" : 0, "ammo_type" : "arrow", "damage" : 12, "pierce" : 1, "range" : 0, "accuracy" : 12, "recoil" : 0, "count" : 10 },

{ "type" : "AMMO", "id" : "arrow_bone", "rarity" : 7, "price" : 100, "name" : "bone arrow", "symbol" : "=", "color" : "green", "description" : "An arrow carved from wood with a bone arrowhead. It's light-weight, does little damage, and is so-so on accuracy. The arrowhead is quite fragile though.", "material" : "wood", "volume" : 2, "weight" : 50, "bashing" : 1, "cutting" : 0, "to_hit" : 0, "ammo_type" : "arrow", "damage" : 10, "pierce" : 1, "range" : 0, "accuracy" : 18, "recoil" : 0, "count" : 10 },

{ "type" : "AMMO", "id" : "arrow_fire", "rarity" : 7, "price" : 100, "name" : "flaming arrow", "symbol" : "=", "color" : "green", "description" : "An arrow wrapped in a rag soaked with some form of highly flammable substance. It's conveniently self lighting, but its penetration and aerodynamic qualities are subpar.", "material" : "wood", "volume" : 3, "weight" : 100, "bashing" : 1, "cutting" : 0, "to_hit" : 0, "ammo_type" : "arrow", "damage" : 8, "pierce" : 1, "range" : 0, "accuracy" : 6, "recoil" : 0, "count" : 10, "effects" : ["FLAME",] },[/spoiler]
And recipes

[spoiler] { "result": "arrow_stone", "category": "CC_AMMO", "skill_pri": "archery", "skill_sec": "survival", "difficulty": 2, "time": 10000, "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "tools": [ [ ["hatchet", -1], ["knife_steak", -1], ["knife_combat", -1], ["knife_butcher", -1], ["pockknife", -1], ["scalpel", -1], ["machete", -1], ["broadsword", -1], ["toolset", -1] ] ], "components": [ [ ["stick", 1], ["broom", 1], ["mop", 1], ["2x4", 1], ["bee_sting", 1] ], [ ["rock", 5] ] ] },

{ "result": "arrow_bone", "category": "CC_AMMO", "skill_pri": "archery", "skill_sec": "survival", "difficulty": 2, "time": 7500, "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "tools": [ [ ["hatchet", -1], ["knife_steak", -1], ["knife_combat", -1], ["knife_butcher", -1], ["pockknife", -1], ["scalpel", -1], ["machete", -1], ["broadsword", -1], ["toolset", -1] ] ], "components": [ [ ["stick", 1], ["broom", 1], ["mop", 1], ["2x4", 1], ["bee_sting", 1] ], [ ["bone", 5] ] ] },

{ "result": "arrow_metal", "category": "CC_AMMO", "skill_pri": "archery", "skill_sec": "survival", "difficulty": 3, "time": 10000, "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "tools": [ [ ["hatchet", -1], ["knife_steak", -1], ["knife_combat", -1], ["knife_butcher", -1], ["pockknife", -1], ["scalpel", -1], ["machete", -1], ["broadsword", -1], ["toolset", -1] ], [ ["rock", -1], ["hammer", -1], ["primitive_hammer", -1], ["toolset", -1] ] ], "components": [ [ ["stick", 1], ["broom", 1], ["mop", 1], ["2x4", 1], ["bee_sting", 1] ], [ ["scrap", 10], ["steel_chunk", 3], ["scrap", 10] ] ] },

{ "result": "arrow_fire", "category": "CC_AMMO", "skill_pri": "archery", "skill_sec": "survival", "difficulty": 1, "time": 4000, "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "tools": [ [ ["hatchet", -1], ["knife_steak", -1], ["knife_combat", -1], ["knife_butcher", -1], ["pockknife", -1], ["scalpel", -1], ["machete", -1], ["broadsword", -1], ["toolset", -1] ] ], "components": [ [ ["stick", 1], ["broom", 1], ["mop", 1], ["2x4", 1], ["bee_sting", 1] ], [ ["rag", 10] ], [ ["whiskey", 10], ["vodka", 10], ["rum", 10], ["tequila", 10], ["gin", 10], ["triple_sec", 10], ["gasoline", 400] ] ] },[/spoiler]
Balanced? Maybe. Practical? Eh. Buggy? Probably. Realistic? Hell if I know.

Small note, but you can make a bone broth with them in the dev versions right now with level 1 or higher cooking.

I want boom arrows, basically a hollow arrow filled with explosive (gunpowder) and with a one fuse. Ignite fuse, fire from crossbow, and watch the !!Fun!!

I want native north american style bone armor and inuit style bone goggles, too. Maybe bone knives. Bones are one of the most useful things in low tech crafting, and all the character can think off is eating them.

Probably going to remove the ability to eat them at some point :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, bone knives and spears, bone tipped arrows, bonemeal fertilizer, tons of uses.