Monsters that appear only at night/in the dark

Not sure I like the idea of this, it could change the entire game dynamic for “night raider” type players by removing a viable strategy. If you want some nocturnal grindable enemies that don’t present that much of a threat, you just add Z-raccoons or Nocturnal zombies. But an optional “Fear the Night” mode with legitimate grue-type monsters would be great to change things up. My ideas…

  • Night Monsters have a distinctive cry. You’ll probably get some warning when one’s tracking you.
  • Night Monsters can see in the dark, hear extremely well, track extremely well and move faster than the player.
  • Night Monsters are afraid of Z’s and will not get within x tiles of them. They won’t join regular Z attacks. They avoid cities.
  • Night Monsters hate fire and light and will flee from any light sources.
  • Night Monsters cannot bash down anything stronger than window. Barricading yourself will protect you.
  • Night Monsters can shred any player within a round or two, no matter what kind of armor you have.
  • Night Monsters are not killable. An assault rifle burst will drive one off, but there’s no body and you’ll never know what it was.
  • Night Monsters are not described. Ever. If you examine one, it’s just “blurred shapes and dark fangs”. Then you die.

why not have black widows leave their basements at night to web the surface area and to hide again when day. until they get enough webbing down

[b]- Night Monsters have a distinctive cry. You'll probably get some warning when one's tracking you.[/b] [b]- Night Monsters can see in the dark, hear extremely well, track extremely well and move faster than the player. - Night Monsters are afraid of Z's and will not get within x tiles of them. They won't join regular Z attacks. They avoid cities. - Night Monsters hate fire and light and will flee from any light sources. - Night Monsters cannot bash down anything stronger than window. Barricading yourself will protect you.[/b] - Night Monsters can shred any player within a round or two, no matter what kind of armor you have. - Night Monsters are not killable. An assault rifle burst will drive one off, but there's no body and you'll never know what it was. - Night Monsters are not described. Ever. If you examine one, it's just "blurred shapes and dark fangs". Then you die.

Parts that are absolutely awesome are highlighted.

I am not too sure about the last three points. Making a creature unkillable is always “tricky”, as it can lead to severe imbalance.
But making them really, really strong should suffice, shouldn’t it?
I like that their strength can be counterbalanced by barricading yourself, that they’re afraid of light (makeshift defence for the early player, just light a nearby fire), and that they won’t join zombie attacks and avoid cities is also nice, as well.

Travelling in the night? You know better than that!
Don´t travel at night, the Boogeyman will get you.

[quote=“StopSignal, post:44, topic:4760”]Travelling in the night? You know better than that!
Don´t travel at night, the Boogeyman will get you.[/quote]

We don’t play DDA to learn that boogeymen exist: we already know they do. We play DDA to teach the boogeymen that we’re a lot scarier than they are.

KA101 hits the boogeyman with a DRAGON STRIKE! for 45 damage. Critical!

KA101 hits the boogeyman with a DRAGON STRIKE! for 45 damage. Critical!

Are you sure thats a crit, seems a bit low.