Monsters that appear only at night/in the dark

How about a modified Water Extraction Unit CBM ( ) that works on living creatures?

What is living that will let you get close enough to drain it of all it’s water?

True, the same could be said of good old neck biting. Draining all of the water from a living being would probably be unreasonable, but hey… they did it in the Princess Bride.

There are also paralytic effects in the game, yeah?

The same could be said for zombies, but they are still the main enemy of this game.[/quote]

The cheesiness isn’t the factor here, it’s that vampires are supernatural/magical foes, and Cataclysm avoids the supernatural. The closest Cataclysm comes to involving magic is with the Lovecraftian creatures, but aside from that, Cataclysm is science fiction.
Some sort of nocturnal hemophagous creature could be interesting, but not a vampire, and definitely nothing like an NPC.[/quote]
Apparently we have magical elves now so that goes out the window.

This would be okay - goo/virus created “vampires” with a chance of infection are fine. Just no looting grocery stores for garlic or crafting crosses and wooden stakes.

Wait, what?

Wait, what?[/quote]
It’s a line of mutations, I don’t really understand what they do but the descriptions read like something out of The Hobbit.

I’d love to see something (frustrating) like the bogeymen in DF. Something, that kills a new player in the first night
and that makes him re-think his decision to travel at night twice.

Yes, because we don’t have enough monsters that kill people on their first day already. If you people want to drive off new people so much, why do you keep updating this game? Might as well take it off the net so that only the people who already have it can play it. Much more efficient.

You think dying in the first night can drive away new players that easily? People that CHOSE to play a roguelike? Honestly CDDA is among the easier roguelikes here, in NetHack you can die in your fricking first step.

Dying to unavoidable monster/situation is frustrating, but it’s not the discussion here is it?

I think it would be easy to make those kind of monsters spawn only after the first season, perhaps with warning messages a few days prior before the first spawn “You hear shuffling from the dark.”. We need some kind of difficulty progression in any case.

Why not think of something new entirely?

A long fleshy finger-like limb with dozens of knuckles, a rough diametre of about 30 cm, and which batters the player with a mace of broken teeth encapsulating the tip at ground level. The limb extends endlessly into the night sky beyond all sources of light but the sun it seems. Perhaps it only comes out at night because whatever it’s attached to doesn’t want to be seen.

all run, the ugly dick monster attacks :slight_smile:

It needs a ranged attack.

[quote=“Flare, post:33, topic:4760”]It needs a ranged attack.[/quote]The giant dick monster squirts you with semen for 100000000000 damage. please wait while the map loads…

Ugh this ain’t gonna be good…

It would actually be neat to see another monster with the “slime” attack. It doesn’t even have to be semen.

I’m surprised those giant spiders can’t just shoot their webs at you with their arse too.

I’m hoping this thread can make at least 1 horrific night monstrosity.
Being afraid of the dark is one of the most exhilarating experiences a game can give.

why not a mutated, undead owl?

[quote=“wad67, post:7, topic:4760”]It would be an interesting Idea for a late game challenge, to spawn some kind of “night stalker” zombie or enemy.

Basically they would be afraid of light, but should they scent you in the dark, they will track you down and kill you.

This would basically challenge the player in the later stages of the game to keep moving, or find a place to hunker down and set up some kind of lighting system.

I can imagine some interesting scenarios, for example having to leave your car lights on overnight, draining the battery so you cannot start it in the morning. :P[/quote]

This is such a great idea. Also, it would be cool if these spawned outside of cities, in large forest areas. The only real problem I have when traversing the deep woods is the occasional bear or woodland creature, but a quick deadly zombie that is afraid of light? Fantastic. Even with NVG’s, it would be such a cool idea to have the things just pop out and charge you until you light up a flare or a campfire, but only to keep them at bay while they watch you sleep. It would be cool if these spawned in sewers too, which are notoriously dark and hard to navigate in.

[quote=“Straume21, post:39, topic:4760”][quote=“wad67, post:7, topic:4760”]It would be an interesting Idea for a late game challenge, to spawn some kind of “night stalker” zombie or enemy.

Basically they would be afraid of light, but should they scent you in the dark, they will track you down and kill you.

This would basically challenge the player in the later stages of the game to keep moving, or find a place to hunker down and set up some kind of lighting system.

I can imagine some interesting scenarios, for example having to leave your car lights on overnight, draining the battery so you cannot start it in the morning. :P[/quote]

This is such a great idea. Also, it would be cool if these spawned outside of cities, in large forest areas. The only real problem I have when traversing the deep woods is the occasional bear or woodland creature, but a quick deadly zombie that is afraid of light? Fantastic. Even with NVG’s, it would be such a cool idea to have the things just pop out and charge you until you light up a flare or a campfire, but only to keep them at bay while they watch you sleep. It would be cool if these spawned in sewers too, which are notoriously dark and hard to navigate in.[/quote]

Just imagine driving by a large forest at night and seeing some weird creature just barely our of sight of your headlights, and then you hear sound coming from behind the car as you drive it being so fast it can almost catch up to one of the more slower cars following you until you run out of gas/batteries. Soon having some unknown creature banging at your door as you try to wait out this unknown assailant.