Monsters that appear only at night/in the dark

DILDOBATS :slight_smile:

Now srsly. Each morning there’s a carpet of dead animals outside. What killed them? Let’s have night hunters. If possible.

Acid rain.

Gtaguy with his genitals covered in butter and with a toaster over it.

This actually sounds like a good idea… Some new nocturnal creature(s) that makes night travel more hair-raising/dangerous has my vote. Seeing as they’d be nocturnal, perhaps albino wolves or mutated bats would fit the bill?
A concern though - it would be frustrating for a pack of these to suddenly ambush a player traveling at night without any warning. Heck, it’s already frustrating enough to run into a wolf pack or a bear. If these creatures are “bio-luminescent” (like shocker zombies) or very loud, the player would get some kind of heads-up.

I think we need bio-luminescent jellyfish that can survive on land. They don’t really attack you, and their only attack adds a butt load of pain, but they generate a large field of light. Which makes any survivor who is being tracked by one a tasty visible snack to zombies.

The code to spawn creatures only at night is already in, so all that needs to be done is for someone to use it!

It would be an interesting Idea for a late game challenge, to spawn some kind of “night stalker” zombie or enemy.

Basically they would be afraid of light, but should they scent you in the dark, they will track you down and kill you.

This would basically challenge the player in the later stages of the game to keep moving, or find a place to hunker down and set up some kind of lighting system.

I can imagine some interesting scenarios, for example having to leave your car lights on overnight, draining the battery so you cannot start it in the morning. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s great!

That’s great![/quote]

So it’s great. Do it. Do it!

[tt] It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Continue? [/tt]

Late game YES! Force player to create lit areas, traps and such.
I play v0.9 and found broadsword, now the game is predictable. Before broadsword the game was very exciting and night raids hairy enough imo.

how about vampires?


[quote=“wad67, post:7, topic:4760”]It would be an interesting Idea for a late game challenge, to spawn some kind of “night stalker” zombie or enemy.

Basically they would be afraid of light, but should they scent you in the dark, they will track you down and kill you.

This would basically challenge the player in the later stages of the game to keep moving, or find a place to hunker down and set up some kind of lighting system.

I can imagine some interesting scenarios, for example having to leave your car lights on overnight, draining the battery so you cannot start it in the morning. :P[/quote]would be much easier if player owned turrets would target any and all hostiles.

I think once NPCs are in, Vampires could be like the Vampires in Dwarf Fortress. In DF, Vampires try to blend in with your citizens and covertly kill them and drink their blood, so you have to find out who is a Vampire by process of elimination. So in this game, maybe have a small chance of having NPC town have a vampire inside who is slowly killing the population.

Maybe you befriend an NPC and have him/her travel with you, help fend off zombies and heal your wounds only to have them drink your blood when you fall asleep.

Vampires are too cheesy and overdone. How about bloodsuckers from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

The same could be said for zombies, but they are still the main enemy of this game.

The same could be said for zombies, but they are still the main enemy of this game.[/quote]

The cheesiness isn’t the factor here, it’s that vampires are supernatural/magical foes, and Cataclysm avoids the supernatural. The closest Cataclysm comes to involving magic is with the Lovecraftian creatures, but aside from that, Cataclysm is science fiction.
Some sort of nocturnal hemophagous creature could be interesting, but not a vampire, and definitely nothing like an NPC.

Or alternatively, giving the “vampire” some scientific explanations that comforts to CDDA’s lore. Maybe name it something else too, avoid the name “vampire” and the cliché human-like blood-sucker theme.

The same could be said for zombies, but they are still the main enemy of this game.[/quote]

The cheesiness isn’t the factor here, it’s that vampires are supernatural/magical foes, and Cataclysm avoids the supernatural. The closest Cataclysm comes to involving magic is with the Lovecraftian creatures, but aside from that, Cataclysm is science fiction.
Some sort of nocturnal hemophagous creature could be interesting, but not a vampire, and definitely nothing like an NPC.[/quote]have you watched 30 Days of Night? in that series vampires are created by a virus, which they can spread with just a scratch from a fingernail.

[quote=“Teddy Salad, post:16, topic:4760”]The cheesiness isn’t the factor here, it’s that vampires are supernatural/magical foes, and Cataclysm avoids the supernatural. The closest Cataclysm comes to involving magic is with the Lovecraftian creatures, but aside from that, Cataclysm is science fiction.
Some sort of nocturnal hemophagous creature could be interesting, but not a vampire, and definitely nothing like an NPC.[/quote]

Bloodsucking cyborg-mutants?Oh, and they should contain a new Needle Finger CBM(or something like that)!

On topic:
Well, night-only creatures don’t make much sense. I mean, there was a zombie at night and POOF! - it’s gone. Every single night enemy disappeared.
Creatures hiding or being weak during the day? Also makes raiding during the day useful.

I would also like something like this. Especially if it is like the boogeyman from dwarf fortress, a good way to grind skills.