So, I had an idea about mutations, and before I dug in too deep, I wanted to ask/verify a few things:
-Mutations seem to be mostly hard-coded at this point, is that correct? A few things are in the json, but most of it must be in the code… so adding new mutations, except for a few basics (stat modification, wet protection,ugliness, more?) seems impossible. Any way to clone an existing mutation under a different ID so it can have different requirements, etc, for a different category?
-Mutation categories: anything in the category can be chosen (unless it’s post-threshold and you don’t have it yet) with equal chance, right? Also, if you put a second or third tier mutation (say, the +2 strength one, for instance), it can gt the pre-req also, right? What happens if you put in the pre-req AND the main one (say, the +1 str AND the +2 str) - does that make it more likely to get the +1 str one (effectively, it would have double the chance to be chosen)?
-Threshold: does every category have to have a threshold? Is it possible to make something that’s “post-threshold” for one category NOT be post-threshold for another category? (looks like no)
-mutagen/recipe/book/etc - Add the mutagen item, add the recipe that makes the item, create the book that holds the recipe, add the book to an item group so it can be found. Am I missing something there?
I doubt that’s exhaustive, but it’s a place to start.