MAP Deleting and Changing ITSELF!

OK i have encountered a bug WHICH IS MAKING ME VERY ANRGY (GRR IM ANGRY SO ALL CAPS lol sorry)

So i leave my car and head to the sporting goods store for some rope to enter a lab i found earlier (instead of having a ladder, i have a steep drop to go inside 0.0) so after not finding it i went back and… poof my car was missing. NOT ONLY THAT but the park changed from a playground to a basketball court. So i thought maybe i got the Forgetful Perk in real life. So i went DOWN every street and still not finding that. AND houses I’ve ransacked had respawned with non-broken windows and ITEMS. A gas station i visited turned itself into a pile. Landmines seems so spawn in some alleyways.
Ive spent 3 real days building up my car and to lose all my precious life like that has utterly destroyed me. I will gladly trade up all my mutations and items I’ve gathered just for it.

After i find out how dropbox works im going to upload my save file and ask if people can take a look to find my car. ( I suggest making a new clean install for my save file to prevent yours from getting corrupted)

Is there some way to search for vehicle coordinates in the save file? If all else fails i will have to spawn some in however the debug menu seems not to be opening up. I’ve also started a second character to occupy me from going crazy.

This sucks a lot, I feel your pain. Sadly it seems the game is a bit buggy at times. Esp when going up and down ladders. Somebody was working on a fix for that.

Did you play with npcs? Somebody might have just stolen your car, did you have the keys in the car still? (Joking, both isn’t possible).

I doubt at the moment that anybody can bring your car back. Even with the safe file. Sorry :frowning:

My npcs died off from following me into a town weeks ago.

Curently my game is in summer (day 12??ish)
I think the town i entered is the twilight zone or something.

OMG my new save file with a npc i have seemed to teleport into my other game!!!
Might have to reinstall now. Perhaps my car teleported into another save file… dam shouldn’t exceed 88 mph…

Yeah… euh the npc system kinda assumes there is only one player character. So that is bugged. And it is a a bit of a complex bug.

Actually considering both the pc and npc extend player couldn’t we make the auto-incrementing id for npcs include the pc as well (with a different id for each new pc) and then remove the utterly stupid defaults of -2 meaning player for targets and use the actual player id.

I really want to know what happened here - I don’t think I’ve seen a bug like this before. I know saving used to get rid of stuff someitmes, but that doesn’t seem to be the issue here…

Can you give more details?

I wonder if it had to do with crossing a world boundary.

Actually considering both the pc and npc extend player couldn’t we make the auto-incrementing id for npcs include the pc as well (with a different id for each new pc) and then remove the utterly stupid defaults of -2 meaning player for targets and use the actual player id.[/quote]

Good idea. I was looking into extending the player with some for of ID, and using the npc id works just as well for that. (I went into the code planning to fix the missions getting assigned to all players, but … now I’m working on just getting the npcs to save correctly :smiley: ).