Magiclysm: A Total Fantasy Overhaul

Can you only have one attunement, or as long as you meet requirements you can get more?
e: also, “must have 2 level 15 spells in both prereq traits”. Clarify for non-native English speakers, please: is it two lv15 spells in each trait or one lv15 spell in each trait (resulting in total of two)?

2 level 15 spells in each prereq trait. you can have any number of attunements as long as they don’t conflict with each other (attunements gained this way are jsonize)

which effectively means that in magiclysm you can have up to 2 attunements if you have all 4 base classes qualify.

Oh, so it’s more like a fusing of classes than interaction between them. From early descriptions it seemed we could get an attunement for each pair of classes.

ah no, there exist attunements for each pair but from inception the idea was that you could only pick one if it doesn’t share a base class or conflict with a base class you already have an attunement for. they are sort of a fusion of the classes, but they don’t get rid of ythe classes that already exist nor do they preclude more expansion of the classes in future updates.

Hey guys, where do I report issues with this mod? The stats granted by demonic possession in the latest experimental don’t seem to go away when the spell ends and it stacks, I’m assuming this isn’t intended

report bugs with the mod here

is see from github the blood mage is your baby KorGgenT, sorry was messing about with debug, didn’t realize it wasn’t fully in yet

its a really cool idea, id love to see it fully fleshed out; the whole idea of messing about with powers beyond your comprehension

you could have an eldritch alternative as well :slight_smile:

Any way to reorder your spells in the ui? I can change the letter but the order stays the same.

  • Shane

Heya, are the craftable runes supposed to he infinite use? I made some bio and techno ones and now I can just cast Laze and the like at will for no mana cost.

Runes are just crafting materials last time I checked. Casting Laze should consume bionic power, not mana.

They are cratfting material yea. However, after casting the rune spell on a pebble you can then use a chisel to craft a rune of a spell in the relevant spell school.
So with a technomancer rune I crafted a rune of Laze, which I could then activate in my inventory to cast Laze.

How are you doing this? Through the “&” crafting command?

  • Shane

Yes. “&” crafting, then the enchanted tab.

I’m not seeing the ability to put a spell on a rune… Do you need a specific book?

  • Shane

I dont think so? All I needed was:
The pebble with the rune cast on it
A chisel
2-3 spell craft and 1 fabrication

Are you per chance using Magiclysm extended or whatever it’s called? It’s a second mod that adds content to Magiclysm. Or possibly Arcana?

  • Shane

Oh! Yes I am, the misc magiclysm modfications mod.
Would that be where the runes are from?

Well, the runes are from Magiclysm itself, but they are only used for very specific items - the ability to put spells on them is likely from the second mod. I’ll have to check that out!

  • Shane

Edit: yep, that’s where they’re from.


Thanks for like testing it out!
Ive gone ahead and disabled it for future runs cause like, having an infinite cure light wounds wasnt really how I wanna play.

Engraved Spell Runes are not meant to do that.

Which version are you using?