Lootable Minutes Mod

A quick mod I made to figure out how LUA and CDDA work together.

Upon creating a new character or loading a savegame you will obtain a Temporal Net.
Edit: Now you cast the net and it slows you down every turn while slowly charging the net.

Once the Temporal Net obtains enough charges (19500 of them) you will obtain a Minute, using a Minute will give you a minute’s worth of moves at your current speed, on level ground this equates to 10 moves at a normal walking pace.

As far as future plans go, I wanted to add in some temporal monsters who would take several turns at once in between not being able to move which would act in deadly bursts that you could loot Minutes off of, hence the name.

Also ideally you’d have to get the net off of some horrifying monster capable of draining your moves to speed itself up that will totally wreck many late-game survivors, but I didn’t get that far so it’s basically just a cheat mod until I do that.

Update: I’ve added a menu for casting the net, which allows you to choose Forwards or Backwards, if you cast the net Forwards it steals time from you as normal, if you cast the net Backwards it drains the net to make you a bit faster.

You can still obtain Minutes, but I’ve made them take even longer to acquire (6 and a half hours).

As far as future plans go, ideally you’d have to get the net off of some horrifying temporal monster capable of draining your moves to speed itself up that will totally wreck many late-game survivors, but I didn’t get that far.

Get it here:


This sounds really intriguing, I’ll be trying it out.

I think something went wrong:

The charges keep going down

And my moves for last turn will decrement by 125 until I move or do something that requires moves. Time doesn’t advance.

Hmm, I assume you were just using it repeatedly while standing in one place?
I thought I had fixed that, but apparently not. I’ll see what I can do.

If I wait after activating, nothing changes. If I activate and walk a step, sometimes it increments
If I wait in place more than once, it decrements when I move or wait. But it’s not a 1 to 1 ratio.

edit: spawned in some minutes, they seem to work just fine. very cool!

Try redownloading the new version.

I fixed the negative turns issue, but I’m not sure why I can’t make using the item cost actual moves, as opposed to subtracting them with Lua.
I’m probably missing something.

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hmm…It’s not going negative anymore :slight_smile: I’ve found a big reason why it was behaving weirdly before. I was wielding it. Now I can charge it if I have it in inventory, but wielding it and using ‘A’ shows the message but doesn’t change the charges.

edit: Given that limitation, would it be possible to give it a unique name on the action menu? I’ve got 5 things that are just ‘Use:’

Makes it hard to assign a keybind.
edit2:make that a dozen things labels “Use”
edit3: It only charges occasionally, and only if I take a step. It takes a lot of keypresses and I still haven’t managed to fully charge the thing. I think this would work better as a toggleable item that increased your movement costs and occasionally dropped a Minute in your pocket.
edit4: As soon as I went back to the game it started working as expected, I don’t freakin understand computers sometimes.

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I’ve found why it’s so inconsistent.
I was apparently using movecounter instead of moves, so you were stealing time from your past self, once one starts messing with time this can be a negative value, so you were actually throwing your time into the extradimensional maw from which it came.

Anyways a passive drag might be a more sensible approach, I’ll see about changing it so that it just drains a certain amount of moves every turn which should avoid all the weirdness.

It’s time…it’s wibbly wobbly. I’d say a passive approach or enable setting an amount of time to spend storing moves. It takes a lot of keypresses to get one minute, kinda like trading a minute irl for a minute in game. Not a good trade :stuck_out_tongue: I could make a macro or something, but in this I agree with Kevin, (horrible paraphrase) if you need a 3rd party program to make a feature bearable, somethings wrong with the feature.

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I’ve implemented an ‘over time’ approach, where you cast the net and it slows you down, when it charges it simply adds a Minute to your inventory.
You can redownload if you want to use this version.

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Thanks for being so responsive on this, it’s a really amazing and original idea. I’m not 100% on this, but player:mod_moves(-20) actually seems to speed me up. I’m basing this on how many moves my last turn took when I wait one turn with ‘.’ My base speed is 125. With the TN off, I wait a turn and the turns last turn took is 125. Activate the net, wait a turn, turns last turn took is 105. It’s confusing the heck outta me. Am I faster or slower?
What if you added an effect with player:add_effect in a similar fashion to shards speedydex mod

It ticks over the clock, if you have a watch and look closely you’ll notice that 12 seconds pass every few turns.
Edit: Also the counter is how many moves the turn took, I think subtracting moves makes it think it spent fewer moves.

I’ve been playing with the numbers. This is a very direct way of doing what shard did with the addeffect heh…still has the same issues with stamina if you boost the speed too much. I don’t think I noticed it while the Minute was in effect, not enough duration to be an issue i guess.
Managed to lock up my game my making it take more moves than I had too, that was entertaining.

I might look into making it run off an effect later but I don’t have time right now.
Thanks for the suggestion of making it a toggle though, makes it a lot more convenient to utilize.

This was fun, I got to watch my suggestions come to life. Thanks for bringing this to the board.

If you come up with some other interesting ideas I can see about making them, I don’t intend to dive into the actual codebase though, so no promises.

just a thought, but at these settings it takes about 4 hours to gain a Minute. I’m a greedy bastard so I’m increasing that number so I can get a minute in about an hour :stuck_out_tongue:

seeing that minus temporal net…

“Doc, can we go back in time? i forgot where the exit goes…”

Update: I’ve added a menu for casting the net, which allows you to choose Forwards or Backwards, if you cast the net Forwards it steals time from you as normal, if you cast the net Backwards it drains the net to make you a bit faster.

You can still obtain Minutes, but I’ve made them take even longer to acquire (6 and a half hours).

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This actually seems very interesting. I’m a sucker for temporal fuckery in fiction.

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