Leading and Hogtieding animals

I want to be able to lead animals, and to tie them in one place, but I can’t come up with a sensible manner of doing it.

The only way I can think is using monsterexamine.h/.cpp adding a “tie” and “lead” methods. And its own UI(no idea how I would do it, but I guess I would copy how the pet menu works).

“Tie” and “lead” actions would add a certain flag to each animal that applies the effect. Both would require a length of rope, and maybe a check of dex/strength, so you can fail/succeed realizing the action.

“Lead” would act the same as follow, but with a closer range. And will make the player move at the animal’s speed.
And if for whatever reason(running, using a vehicle, getting thrown by a hulk) the player gets away than the lead distance from the animal, the animal stops being led.
To lead again the animal you would need to examine it, and choose “lead” again, as the animal would still have the rope tied around whatever bodypart you tie the rope.

“Tie” would immobilize the animal. It would require another dex/str check, and maybe turn it unto a long action.
But this presents various problems, and that is that with lead and tie, you could store animals for food, and use them as target practice. And probably more exploits and cases that I haven’t thought about.

How could you deal with those problems?

Also how hard should be to tie them and lead them, regarding the dex/str check?


What about having a possibility of the animal breaking free of being tied or running away from being led?

No need for strength checks, just forbid it for non-tame animals.

My idea was to apply it for peaceful/safe animals. Initially at least.

I guess it would be a lot harder to tie a wild moose or bear. And impossible to lead.

Would be nice if this can be applied to tied zlaves. Could make things handy for survivors on the ursine or bovine mutation lines. Can’t drive a car, and a cargo carrier cart can’t hold too much, so having a bunch of tied zlaves following the survivor might be handy.

Or using the control laptop to make certain robots follow your survivor. Will constantly drain the laptop battery, in exchange for a half-competent robot army.

[quote=“Azrad, post:4, topic:14009”]Would be nice if this can be applied to tied zlaves. Could make things handy for survivors on the ursine or bovine mutation lines. Can’t drive a car, and a cargo carrier cart can’t hold too much, so having a bunch of tied zlaves following the survivor might be handy.

Or using the control laptop to make certain robots follow your survivor. Will constantly drain the laptop battery, in exchange for a half-competent robot army.[/quote]

A self-driving or simply “power assist” cart that would follow me around would be pretty nice, especially if it was foldable when not in use (so I could put it in my giant deathmobile).

Hmmm, come to think of it, you can remotely drive a car, yeah? If so, would it be possible for a large-size mutant survivor to stand on a car and drive it like that?

Are you…proposing the creation of giant remote-controlled skateboards? I’m all for it. You might as well go all in and convert a bubble car into a giant, tank-tracked robo-palanquin.

Testing it out, seems like you can still drive a car while being a huge mutant, though your survivor will get pain every once in a while for being cramped inside a vehicle.

Don’t dogs already have a tie and lead feature?

Yes and no. They follow you automatically and to make them stay in one place you have to tie them with rope.