Latest experimental features: tangent and new feature discussion

Don’t be a fucking mong. Turns out we don’t have a page detailing the Mycus’ mutations via Categories like all the rest, just that well writ if vague guide, my bad. Probably an oversight that should mention there are unique traits to makeup for locking you out of regular mutations.

Yeah, they don’t even show up in list of mutations.



Kill a Blossom, obtain Seeds.
Eat Seeds until you get Vector.
Eat another Seed, create Marloss bushes.
Eat Berries until you get Carrier.
Kill a Tower, obtain Gelatin.
Eat Gelatin, obtain Marloss Gateway and a Mycus fruit.
Eat Mycus fruit, obtain Mycus.

After that I don’t know, I’m actually stuck here.

I think I have the rest:

Eat more Marloss, re-obtain mutations.
Eat even more Marloss, spawning Mycus bushes with Mycus Fruit.
Eat Fruit, gain Mycus mutations.

Stolen quotes archived in my handy notes.txt file.

+2 for “mong”

That should just be added to the wiki word-for-word, honestly. I’ll have to dig up my wiki account/password later.

Oh man, items listing what holsters they work with. No longer do I have to wonder whats gonna go in what storage space.

Haven’t had a chance to play yet, what’s this about crew members?

My guess is that you can assign them specific seats in a vehicle, as opposed to them popping in wherever. I don’t know if NPC’s use mannable turrets when they occupy the slot, but if they do, that could be useful to make sure your good shots are on the guns.

So they mentioned total conversions being possible in the features. I suppose this means work is either done, or mostly finished on migrating the ‘core’ game into being handled like a mod?

The engine changes might be interesting for giant deathmobiles as well. I’m excited to see what sort of engine shenanigans the modding community can get up to. I just wanna see a motorcycle powered by tears (Or saline, close enough).

It would not be impossible to make a blood-powered engine.

1.Get a Vacutainer
2. Withdraw blood
3. ???
4. Profit

Since feedback after the inclusion of the new propulsion revamp by mugling is split between different threads and, apparently, still have some balancing/bugsquashing pending PRs to be included, apologizes in advance if the following problems/sugestions doesn’t belong here (The other 2 topics by mugling are about multiengines & fuel consumption):

  • As with most pre-revamp “mobile base builds”, mine was killed by the new changes. My “deadend” is triggered by the new gear system. Stats of my Mobile Base: 7.5T, Diesel Traction Engine (6.2L) with 3 alternators attached (Truck, Car, Motorbike). While selecting forward speeds, the cruise speed options are 32->64->75->85 km/h. The stat readouts states that my speed categories are (O/S/T): 53/75/85 km/h. Over roadtiles the readout of the gear dial states the following when the cruise speed is reached: 32(4th), 64(6th), 75(6th), 85(6th).

Problem #1: “Safe Speed” isn’t safe anymore… After just travelling for 1h in-game at 64 Km/h, my engine got damaged. Reading Mugling’s PR changes I understand that finnaly he is trying to incorporate the concept of gearboxes into the game and going for long periods at max gear strains the gearbox itself and if the rpms of the engine really go too high for too long, it will damage/burn the internal combustion mechanisms.

Problem #2: I can NEVER cruise at a given gear nor select the optimum speed for a given gear with the current implementation of the UI controls. I understand that the current control paradigm is somekind of “automatic gearbox” that tries to use the optimum gear for a given total engine power vs vehicle mass vs desired speed. I also understand that final vehicle speed is subject to rounding to “tiles per turn” to provide a smooth drive experience were the user can predict how many turns needs to reach a certain obstacle at a given speed, which trigger all the typical havoc of going from continuous formulas to discrete operational values.

I understand the MONUMENTAL work Mugling is attempting so I know this situation will improve over time. I also read the interesting conversation were Coolthulhu exposed the concerns about system complexity/accesibility. I want to add a couple of suggestions because my “Mobile Base” is really a common combo: Close to 7.5T (But always less) because is the weight you can support with a bottle jack, diesel because it’s the most efficient fuel IRL, Traction 6.2L because is the most common engine “heavy” vehicles current templates come with.

Gear Control. We have the traditional Cruise Speed control now as the ONLY control paradigm. How about keeping a 2nd control paradigm were the user is just concerned about engine safety and each up/down key press is just a gearbox change followed by a “safe rpm” resulting speed? (You can go as far as to add a 3rd one were the rpms selected are the optimal one so the resulting speed on a given gear is the most efficient for long distance travel).

Gearbox as component. ATM gearboxes are integrated into the whole engine. IMO this is a waste of potential variety that will force modders to create an unnecesarily big array of engine definitions to arrange for different power/speed pairs at different operational masses which, in turn, makes a mess to try to deal with multiengine configurations. There is also a whole set of reassons (related to “intuitiveness”, realism and easyness of programming) behind specifically having exposed the component in charge of converting power into acceleration on a vehicle model, but are too long to explain in a suggestion on a general thread like this.

BOTH suggestions are specifically addressed at making the system easier to use, richer to tweak and easier to program/simulate.

Not tested latest version but I assume gear changes are some automatic?.

If so can we get a manual gear optoin that would be awesome to go max speed then slam it into 1st LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

If so can we get a manual gear optoin that would be awesome to go max speed then slam it into 1st LOL :P

That’s one of “those reassons” exposing gearboxes could enrich gameplay I didn’t want to add details about… But the main one is to “encapsulate” simulation effects in simple to mod/program “components” so programmers and modders have one and ONLY one place to look at when adressing “Real Life” discrepancies. On a hastily drawn draft:

Engines: Defined as total max power, fuel type & efficiency (Notice that “efficiency” can be a complex model in itself if desired… Like RL curves, but at the end of the day is just a relation between the percentage of max power and the fuel consumption triggered by operating at such percentage). Internally an engine is just a device that provides different levels of “mechanical power” that result in different rates of fuel consumption, optionally, having a safe percent of power that can be provided WITHOUT degrading (ie damaging) the engine itself.

Gearboxes: Defined as sets of ratios between “mechanical power” and “Force” + “Speed” pairs. A “reallistic” gearbox is one were higher speed ratios require smaller “Force” ratios. “Force” ofc, is compared to Vehicle Mass to provide “Acceleration”. “Acceleration” is then compared to “Drag”, if it’s higher, speed of the vehicle increases, if it’s lower, vehicle speed decreases.

I’m INTENTIONALLY vague on the terms… Because I’m just focusing on how EACH aspect of the vehicle simulation is ENCASED into a given component without crosstalking (In this case just speed and fuel consumption). To have a fully functional simmulation, ofc, you have to define “Drag”, etc… But I’m just explaining why spliting gearboxes from engines helps, specially if, later, you want to penalize “absurd” designs or ways of driving by aplying different sources of damage to different components. It also helps at creating easy to understand multiple engine “linking rules” that have nothing to do with the fuel a given engine uses but how they are connected because “gearboxes” become a natural “linking” component.



Still a better love blood sacrifice story than Warcraft movie.

Are the game mechanics going to be simplified for people without the time to learn?

oh god please no