Kevlar Hulk spawn rates maybe over the top?

We don’t call those zombies, we call them “bureaucrats”

Same thing, honestly.

Haven’t sought one out, but don’t shoggoths fill this niche? If not, they should.

That’s not fair! Don’t be that hateful… They never have done anything!



Maybe a evolution of burnt zombies? They are essentially fragile dried out husks, the blob would then toughen and make their skin/flesh/bones reinforced and more dense, so they’re very resistant to cuts and bashing but their inherent dryness would make them extremely weak to fire.

Zombie hollows or a evolution for aquatic zombies would work. Zombie hollows are rubberlike and resist bashing, but an aquatic gel or slime-like blob zombie can be resistant to both pierce and bash, since bashing just bounces off and piercing weapons just slide through. Cutting, however can cleave through easily.

I was going to say that the dissoluted devourer line is what I had in mind (and it is), but I love the idea of a zombie hollow evo as well, particularly since I should be refluffing the hollow a bit as well.

Bullets are technically blunt force trauma. I have no idea what they are in game, but in reality that is the case.

Cutting weapons should be more effective against anything Kevlar though. As is also reality. Kevlar can’t stand up to well against blades as they can against high speed blunt force trauma(bullets). Throwing blades can also cut through kevlar pretty easy. Not sure anyone has made this so in game though. But I don’t program it to know.

Bullets are their own damage type now so you can look into it if you like. Cutting stuff isn’t as effective against kevlar as you seem to think though, it still offers a fair bit of protection against stabbing attacks.

You may be correct.

and one more for the grins

I would still rather have a vest on than a tshirt to be certain. But even then, sharp objects do get through.

Slashing though…pretty sure slashing would stand a good chance of being repelled. But the blunt force trauma won’t go away and that could break bone if sufficient force were applied. Also, slashing would damage and degrade with each attack the armor in question. Do mobs have armor degradation value? Some sort of armor points/health?

Just a note, I’m brain storming your mobs because I think it has value to the idea. I think folks think I’m trolling when I like to re-evaluate ideas. Not poo pooing it.

Does this mean we might see a kevlar mutation line? Could call it “military” or something and get really weird with it. Let the user drink diesel and shrug off bullets at the cost of becoming extremely stiff and ugly.

While I cannot, nor will I speak for Erk. I think if any body part is capable of shrugging off bullets. It should also have some limiting factors like being practically immobile. You can plug a rhino. If that rhino skin were hard…Maayyybbbbeee bullet proof to a degree. But not completely. Armor shouldn’t be Daggerfall-esque. It should mitigate damage. Even good quality kevlar will be penetrated if and when shot enough with a caliber that it is designed for. I’m thinking that the blob should be similar?

Kevlar is pretty flexible and stops bullets by distributing force thanks to its unique physical properties, whereas rhinos are just regular skin but thicc. I think something more interesting than armor up dex down could be done with it, like maybe it’s itchy and painful to have skin that isn’t make of skin, or your still-living body could produce harmful by-products from synthesizing the faux-kevlar that sap your hidden health stat or cause other problems. This is not really the thread for hashing that all out, I was just tossing it out there.

No i addressed this. Erk said it is skin too. So I was referencing an idea that sat atop this concept. If it is able to stop varying caliber bullets. It should, perhaps have a counter balance. Making it rigid would allow it to stop some bullets while making the mob slower. Also, giving the property of this armor a health value to allow you to “chip away” at it so as it isn’t godly difficult, nigh, impossible to kill.

Kevlar wearing mob–>mutates to have thick skin simmilar to that kevlar—>skin gets harder and more rigid(better bullet protection)—>slow tank that makes you hammer the f*ck out of it to diminish that armor in order to kill it(not just use the stronger caliber bullets). :wink:

While armor can be both powerful AND light. It being rigid and encumbering is more for game balance. Not for real life. If we were to look at real life. One could, in theory and eventual practice, have armor parts/pieces that were made of carbon material and very maneuverable. There indeed exists a tuxedo or a business suit already lined with diamonds that is very much so bullet proof up to I think it was 2A or 3A. Basically pistol rounds.

Also for reference, Carbon Nanotubes. For a 5 minute into the future concept…like what we play with in game right?

We just need a brute version of the armoured zombie:

"This zombie seem to have worn what was one a state-of-the-art power Armor. But has since outgrown its armour imbedding armoured plates into its flesh and growing skin with similar properties around it.

That should really make for a fun zombie.

Or even better a hulk version:

"You don’t know what this abomination is but it looks like a bipedal gorilla with a power Armor helmet for a head and covert in some sort of mutated armoured plating, which you aren’t sure if its grown into its skin or if it is its skin itself.”

pls no

How would you even kill that thing? C4 bouquet? 100mph+ ramming?

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Nothing survives several tonnes of steel ramming you at high speed.

50 calibre might do the trick (no guaranties against hulks) and you finally got a targets for those rocket launchers and anti-armour grenades in the game.

Real legends however take all the mutagen and CBM’s they can get to become a more horrifying monstrosity. Put on the best armour they can make and use a mace to melee the bastard.

Real survivors run and remember that: Nothing survives several tonnes of steel moving at high speed. And barrel bombs and improvised explosives are your best friends (mininukes to).

use a 140mm howitzer or many shots from a 50. cal anti material rifle of some sort

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