So far I haven’t found any.
Either the Angband macro, or DF macro, can help with the extensive item interaction.
So far I haven’t found any.
Either the Angband macro, or DF macro, can help with the extensive item interaction.
I don’t think there’s true macros in the game, but there is the Execute Action menu under the ‘%’ button.
Although it’s a list of what you can do, ‘%’ requires as many key presses as simply 'a’pply, and cannot repeat.
I want to macro the ‘elyEnterEnterl’ rubble clearing process.
So I got a macro maker called autohotkey, and created a ‘khkhkhkh’ macro to test, but it seemed that only the last letter ‘h’ was actually input. And I set the delay 50 milisec, but that did not work.
[quote="§k, post:3, topic:12632"]Although it’s a list of what you can do, ‘%’ requires as many key presses as simply 'a’pply, and cannot repeat.
I want to macro the ‘elyEnterEnterl’ rubble clearing process.
So I got a macro maker called autohotkey, and created a ‘khkhkhkh’ macro to test, but it seemed that only the last letter ‘h’ was actually input. And I set the delay 50 milisec, but that did not work.[/quote]
I use this program too!
GREAT! How do you use it? Could you share any script?
[code]#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
loop 10 {
loop 10 {
Send, e
Sleep, 100
Send, h
Sleep, 100
Send, y
Sleep, 100
Send, {Enter}
Sleep, 100
Send, {Enter}
Sleep, 100
Send, h
Sleep, 500
loop 10 {
Send, l
Sleep, 500
Send, j
Sleep, 500
That’s how Urist finishes a 10x10 designation of rubble clearing.