Is the bionics nerf intentional?

The meme that realism is only added to the detriment of the player is tired and old and full of salt.
Why are you willfully ignoring the myriad of realistic things that were added to the game and aided the player?
Reality is reality, it dosnt care whether it makes things harder or easier, it just … is.

Reality is a focus of the games development direction, and that won’t change, when you see one thing get nerfed, you are seeing the snapshot of one thing that one person wanted to work on, and ignoring all the others that have happened and will happen.

As others have mentioned, CBM power usage is often quite unrealistically high currently, they will be made more realistic in the future, then that will aid the player.

You are also ignoring the fact that boats were added, and wind power, and less crazy wind speeds, and water power, and realistic meat yields from butchery, and realistic fishing, and realistic solar power generation, and we aim to add realistic ammo and gun distribution ( which, by the research we’ve done, shows there should be a lot more ammo around ) , Mechsuits were added, which although a bit sci-fi, are within the realms of current technology, there are plans to add trains, and helicopters, you can now ride horses, and pull your vehicles with animals, you can now haul things across z-levels, you can now throw grenades from behind a wall by peeking out, you can now get a realistic level of foraging results from the wild, with a realistic variety of wild foods, you can now store food for a long time in your stomach, it now takes weeks to starve, just like real life,
These things all “help” the player, or reduce tedium, need I go on with more examples?

You can also modify a lot of the values in the games json very easily, you can also make whatever code changes you want and compile it yourself, it being open-source.

In short - the amount of valid playstyles in this game, is exponentially more, and more customizable than most other games, and is increasing , not decreasing due to a focus on realism.

This realism “bullshit” is one of the main focuses of the game, it produces believable natural balance, and a snapshot of one change that generates salt is not the finished state.

Please don’t just resort to kneejerk salt over one change, look at the bigger picture.

Or if you dont want it in your game, change it yourself, you have that freedom we’ve given you.