Improving the situation

The devs has said that they have no plans to “fix” the broken world in this game, but I think having a mod that allowed some local means of “fighting back” would be cool to try out.

The first and easiest (and probably least game-affecting, really) would be a way close shimmering portal and possibly even fix the lesser versions of that. I think that could be done quite easily with something in the construction menu, actually - shimmering portal to weak spot, weak spot to regular ground. What it would take is a little weirder to contemplate… it seems like the sort of thing that would fit in RD’s Arcana mod, actually. I think I’ll message him about it.

Next would be something to help with the fungus… now, just plain killing them all would be WAY too good, but perhaps some kind of “anti-fungus” monster - a creature that spits out anti-spores that de-fungalize terrain (with the same chance as the fungus has to fungalize it to begin with, maybe?) and/or mutually destroy spores, and maybe damage fungal creatures? Or perhaps, some kind of local field that makes fungaloids hurt each other instead of being all on the same team… or just prevents all fungal-ization within a certain range? That could be interesting… It wouldn’t get rid of them, just help you deal with the locals.

The “field that makes them hostile to each other” thing could work for the plants, instead (not both, obviously), or perhaps some kind of disease? Something communicable to each other that makes them take small damage over time, and perhaps lowers local plant spawn… Again, it wouldn’t fix the world, but it could be quite useful for dealing with a local infestation.

The only thing I can think of for the blob is some sort of wide-area weapon that does no damage but does split all blobs once… or maybe something that de-evolves zombies in the area? Would be a nice way to deal with hulks… But mostly, zombie/blob just needs a good beat-down, so I don’t think it needs much.

Any thoughts? Other methods of dealing with the locals? Any thoughts on how to implement some of those ideas?

Fungal and triffid are supposed to be enemies.

We could give triffides more weapons. Triffid could emit a pheromone field that suppresses spore-releasing, and kills floating spores and fungal bed, within certain radius.

maybe a boombox on steroids, or fuck it, some concert P.A. speakers/amps could vibrate the blobs hard enough to split them forcibly?

[quote="§k, post:2, topic:13712"]Fungal and triffid are supposed to be enemies.

We could give triffides more weapons. Triffid could emit a pheromone field that suppresses spore-releasing, and kills floating spores and fungal bed, within certain radius.[/quote]

That would be a start - as it stands now, fungus just plain WINS against blob, and the only real chance the triffids have is the queens.

[quote=“deoxy, post:4, topic:13712”][quote=“§k, post:2, topic:13712”]Fungal and triffid are supposed to be enemies.

We could give triffides more weapons. Triffid could emit a pheromone field that suppresses spore-releasing, and kills floating spores and fungal bed, within certain radius.[/quote]

That would be a start - as it stands now, fungus just plain WINS against blob, and the only real chance the triffids have is the queens.[/quote]

How about balancing them out, nerfing out a bit of fungus and buffing a bit of triffid, but keeping them on a same level? Or maybe just buff both of them till they are just as strong enough to be a giant pain in the ass. Also, having specific kinds of fungal enemies for dealing with triffids, and the other way around, would be really interesting. Maybe a spore that actually managed to get hold of a triffid, or a triffid that was able to dominate a fungaloid.

hoooooo boy that opens up the door for the dubstep gun!!!
I don’t think vibration would actually shake them up to that point, however, there is a chemical sprayer weapon in the game, right? How about something that actually dissolves them? I can’t really come up with anything, because I can’t really figure out if a blob is actually organic, an jell-o made of sulphuric acid or a mix of both.