There are 9 item files that contain within them the codes for items. It is in these 9 files that you can edit in order to make a new item.
I recommend notepad++.
They are:
All of these are located in Cataclysm => data=> raw => items
In these files you’ll find chunks of code that looks like this:
"id": "nailgun",
"type": "GUN",
"symbol": "(",
"color": "light_blue",
"name": "nail gun",
"description": "A tool used to drive nails into wood or other material. It could also be used as a ad-hoc weapon, or to practice your handgun skill up to level 1.",
"rarity": 12,
"price": 100,
"material": "IRON",
"flags": "MODE_BURST",
"skill": "pistol",
"ammo": "nail",
"weight": 22,
"volume": 4,
"bashing": 12,
"cutting": 0,
"to_hit": 1,
"ranged_damage": 0,
"range": 0,
"accuracy": 20,
"recoil": 0,
"durability": 8,
"burst": 5,
"clip_size": 100,
"reload": 450
That is the first entry in range.json.
General points:
-These { } squiggles are the brackets that contain one entry.
-Spacing does not matter at all unless it’s inside a quotation. Json only cares about the sequence of symbols, not the spacing between them, unless it is instructed to notice them with the quotations. For example, “spear and shield” Json will take note of where the spaces are since they are inside the quotations.
Do not forget the commas
The rest should be self explanatory, or at least I found them self explanatory. But in any case I’ll label what I know about the terms.
"id": "nailgun", ID is the one that will be used in the background of the game, IE. administrative purposes like recipes and spawn locations. For the actual name that shows up in the game, look down to the term "name". Spaces are unfriendly since there are quotation marks here. Use underscore _ if you need to use a space.
"type": "GUN", Generally don't change it if it's in range.json. If you want other functions in other jsons, best to copy an already working template and use the same type term.
"symbol": "(", The symbol representing it in the game world.
"color": "light_blue",
"name": "nail gun", The actual in-game name. Don't use this for world gen spawn, and recipes.
"description": "blah",
"rarity": 12,
"price": 100,
"material": "IRON",
"flags": "MODE_BURST",
"skill": "pistol",
"ammo": "nail",
"weight": 22,
"volume": 4,
"bashing": 12,
"cutting": 0,
"to_hit": 1,
"ranged_damage": 0, Range and damage is stacked on top of the ammo's range and damage.
"range": 0, Range and damage is stacked on top of the ammo's range and damage.
"accuracy": 20, The higher this number is, the more inaccurate it is.
"recoil": 0,
"durability": 8,
"burst": 5,
"clip_size": 100,
"reload": 450