I need help with the cars on the android version

I need help, in android version it is practically impossible to control a car

Certifique-se de usar uma palestra regional se estiver falando uma lĂ­ngua estrangeira, desculpe se isso soa estranho, mas estou usando o Google Tradutor.

Sorry, I’ll change the text

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Thanks, what’s you’re issue currently? It can be pretty bad especially with swipe controls…

It took me a while, but I can drive vehicles as comfortably on my phone now as on my computer. I use this app called “Hacker’s Keyboard” from the playstore. It sort of gives you the PC keyboard layout on your phone. I use the dpad on that to drive.

Press ^ in the drivers seat.
Move up to accelerate foward.
Move down to accelerate backward.
Move left to turn left from your vehicle’s perspective while accelerating foward.
Move right to turn right from your vehicle’s perspective while accelerating foward.

I think it may be inverse turning when driving backward.