I just can't catch a break


Started a new game as a Maid named Natasha.
Spawned (sort of) close to an apartment complex.
Went there.
Got trapped in a closet. Thanks, zombies.
In a last ditch effort to escape, set fire to the zombie directly in front of me.
Ran through the smoke and flames.
Took what I could, and got out.
Night had fallen, with no buildings close to me.
Had to sleep in a bush.
Woke up freezing.
Began to drizzle acid.
Oh, look! A house.
Eagerly headed in that direction.
Swamped by zombies the moment I entered.
Killed them. Thought it was safe, so I unpacked my stuff.
Saw a Wasp in the doorway. Killed it.
Saw another.
Then another.
…And another.
Looked out the window, only to see a Hive embedded into the building across the street.

I guess it’s time to move.

Normal stuff. :confused:

Maybe having more breaks would be something better for gameplay? When i play Neo Scavenger and no one is following me, the looting and survival feeling is really high and satisfying.

This is my first time playing on normal as opposed to classic, and I find it much more exciting. The hive came as a total surprise to me. Pretty tough though, lol. Nearly died multiple times, but I love it.

By “break” I’m assuming you mean a break from the game itself, or the current world?

EDIT: Ah, wait, never mind. I think I get what you mean now. You were implying that having parts of the game that let you catch your breath would be a good design choice, yes? Correct if I’m wrong.

Perhaps at dawn the zombies lose smell and hearing? Like a lul in zombie activity when they stop attacking you so harshly.

I enjoy those houses covered in webs, with piles of black widows with paralyzing poison in each bite and very high speed… i remember back in the day trying to find a dog for some guy in a quest, and the dog was in the house next door to one of those… they poured out the window like a flood, and the dog drowned in them.

TLDR Hive/Nest houses are super fun and you should enter them with great haste

Yo I just burn them down I’m not a pyromaniac I swear

Some pretty awesome loot spawns in those houses, but this is by far the safest solution to a giant-bug problem.

Some pretty awesome loot spawns in those houses, but this is by far the safest solution to a giant-bug problem.[/quote]

Who needs fire when you have lightnings shooting out of your head and enough explosives to blow up an aircraft carrier

you should head out into the country. find yourself a sewage treatment plant, make a stone pot, and you’re set with your home base.

This is me in a nutshell, only i openly admit to being a pyromaniac…

[size=4pt]by which i mean i burn down every house i don’t see as being useful in the long term after looting. hehehe[/size]

Well, I managed to clear out the hive. Didn’t find anything good. :c

Now I just have t- AHGF8USH sPIDERS

Well there’s the royal jelly, that one is pretty useful, it completely cures you of any disease.

Huh. I must’ve missed it.

Huh. I must’ve missed it.[/quote]

He’s thinking of BEEEEEEEEEES.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1GadTfGFvU[/quote]what movie is that from?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1GadTfGFvU[/quote]what movie is that from?[/quote]

From a really bad one. Seriously, i watched it.

But Cage in a bear suit made it worth it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1GadTfGFvU[/quote]what movie is that from?[/quote]

From a really bad one. Seriously, i watched it.

But Cage in a bear suit made it worth it.[/quote]
The Wicker Man
Cage made it good.