I found a thing

I was looking at a website called slant which is a crowdsourced guide to the best software/gadgets/etc. and there is a section for PC games, and look what I found! http://www.slant.co/topics/1743/viewpoints/4/~what-are-the-best-single-player-open-world-survival-horror-games-on-the-pc-with-a-focus-on-base-building~cataclysm-dark-days-ahead

Feel free to go on there and add some pros and/or cons to the game!

I posted something about the game being a bit too easy after a while. If you happen to care.

“super hard to learn”


Lol, I always imagined those un-looted stores would change dynamically once npc’s were added in more functionally. Y’know. Since they friggin klepto-loot corpses as it is when they’re on your side.