Hydrogen cells are not craftable

Hm, did hydrogen recipe suffer from a purge? I updated to latest experimental and i cant craft it anymore…

Because hydrogen fuel cells aren’t reasonable for a survivor to make or recharge with basic chemistry, it’s a pretty advanced process that hasn’t been achieved industrially even today.

Because hydrogen fuel cells aren’t reasonable for a survivor to make or recharge with basic chemistry, it’s a pretty advanced process that hasn’t been achieved industrially even today.[/quote]
Well, making hydrogen by electrolysis is quite simple, but if the outcome is supposed to be some kind of fuel cell i guess its different No idea what is a hydrogen fuel cell tbh. Or what is hydrogen used apart from carbon coating blades. Come to think of it, why is carbon coating using hydrogen?

Because hydrogen fuel cells aren’t reasonable for a survivor to make or recharge with basic chemistry, it’s a pretty advanced process that hasn’t been achieved industrially even today.[/quote]
Well, making hydrogen by electrolysis is quite simple, but if the outcome is supposed to be some kind of fuel cell i guess its different No idea what is a hydrogen fuel cell tbh. Or what is hydrogen used apart from carbon coating blades. Come to think of it, why is carbon coating using hydrogen?[/quote]

Refuels plasma engines, reloads the plasma rifle, provides basic elements for the CVD machine.

(Sorry for doublepost, but those are separate things)

So no to production of itemized hydrogen, but would it be OK if there was a way to produce and feed hydrogen directly to tanks? I wanted to make an electrolysis car part (to add a useful, if highly wasteful, energy sink).
I see no non-cheaty way of siphoning hydrogen out of a tank.

The cheaty way involves destroying a loaded hydrogen tank using acid or something like that. The result is not only extra item hydrogen, but 100 times more of it than was put into the tank.

I could certainly see the possibility of finding a hydrogen fuel cell and hooking it up with water and solar to produce hydrogen (we did it in my 5th grade science club after all, it’s not that difficult of a process). You’d probably need some sort of compressor to get it inside the tanks though, those things are usually at pretty high interior pressures.

If you need to compress it you could also just lower its tempreture to near freezing point so it turns to liquid.
You should be able to build a water circuit cooler on you own .

“some sort of compressor” = a gigantic machine that modern industrial processes have failed to make practical. Just compressing it as a gas isn’t sufficient, you need a LOT of hydrogen for the supersciency things the game is doing with them.

[quote=“Valpo, post:7, topic:8383”]If you need to compress it you could also just lower its tempreture to near freezing point so it turns to liquid.
You should be able to build a water circuit cooler on you own .[/quote]
Water circuit… you do realize the boiling point of hydrogen is -423.2°F (-252.9°C), right? You need really freaking exotic technologies to get stuff that cold.

There is categorically no way for the survivor to make or recharge hydrogen cells or tanks based on gear they have constructed.
One scenario I could see for replenishable Hydrogen cells would be a Lab finale, ideally one you fix up a bit, that would let you dump energy into it from somewhere and get recharged Hydrogen cells out.

I assumed that hydrogen tank just stores hydrogen at much lower pressure than hydrogen cell. As far as I recall, 25 cells (default stack) are enough to fill the entire tank.

From what I could find, DIY compressors can easily reach 30 bar pressure, with some even going above 100.
Hydrogen tanks have maximum pressures starting just below 200 bar.

A compressor could be implemented as a limitation on hydrogen tank’s capacity. Without a good compressor, only a small fraction of the total capacity could be utilized.
Makeshift compressor with compression ratio around 0.1, diving compressor with 0.5 and a dedicated hydrogen compressor with 1.0 or something like that.

Its not that hard.
You can use the same method Linde used to liquify air.
A sufficiently pfrofficient survivor should have the methods and knowledge to build a similar device.

Holy crap people, do some research.
Liquification of air is not remotely similar to liquification of Hydrogen, it’s one of the hardest to deal with substances around.
It has a ludicrously low boiling point, it diffuses through most seals, it diffuses through most CONTAINERS, and that’s BEFORE you subject it to ultra-high pressures you’re going to encounter with it being liquified. Oh yea, and it’s highly flammable.

As for gaseous hydrogen, it’s going to be just as hard to contain, PLUS when gaseous it’s going to have a crazy low energy density. Yes we’re hand-waving the “hydrogen tanks” on the vehicles, if you insist on them being consistent with the unobtainability of Hydrogen handling devices, we can make them non-craftable too. I’d be totally fine with that.

Fair enough.

If what you say is true ´then i am all for making the tanks non craftable.

One of the hardest parts then would be building a feeding system that even allows filoling the hydrogen in … lossless…although i love fire and explosions.

Do you wanna build a hydrogen fuel cell?

It doesn’t have to be a fuel cell.

Are you even reading the thread?

I’m saying more along the lines that there are other uses for hydrogen, too. Eh, nevermind.

Sorry to snap at you, didn’t follow what you were saying.
If someone wants to add a recipe, containers, and uses for gaseous Hydrogen, that’s totally fine.

My guess is that in the future, especially one where nanomachines are present, the idea of directly using nanites as a scrubber for hydrogen. Nanites operating in a high pressure environment (easy to do, as their scale makes them incredibly resistant to pressure extremes) can directly extract the hydrogen from a substrate. The nanites then impregnate the gathered hydrogen into a buffering layer that reacts to electrical current to expand and contract, trapping and releasing the hydrogen from this buffering layer. The hydrogen cells are made of stacks of these impregnated buffer layers. A sophisticated control system releases hydrogen as necessary through individual sections of the buffer layers. This essentially leads to nanite scrubbing tanks in lab facilities where reasonably efficient hydrogen production can be undertaken with less energy consumption than your standard plant. The nanites themselves are recharged by kinesis by alternating the pressure in the scrubbing environment. Had the Cataclysm never occurred, hydrogen cells would’ve been the next revolution in civilian and commercial energy technology.

How’s that sound for some pseudo-science?

It sounds like pseudo-science.
It also sounds like it fits into this mold:

i.e. it requires special equipment you can find and get operational, but cannot build.

Anything that means more Lab finales would be great.

[size=8pt]Mean idea. Hydrogen labs don’t have regular turrets. They have fusion turrets.[/size]

I would definitely like to see some of these super fancy technological facilities the scientists managed to produce power armor, handheld plasma weaponry, and interdimensional portals with, but I agree being able to build these things using regular tools after reading a few books is extraordinarily unlikely.
Have some thoughts on the subject off the top of my head:

Assuming most or all of these facilities (advanced factories, plasma containment components, hydrogen super-compressors, etc) have taken significant damage, and the components all being extremely advanced and/or experimental, you’d probably have to scavenge through multiple labs just to get the parts necessary to get a single working machine (And perhaps power it somehow).

Of course, you’d have no idea how to build or repair any of these things, and that information is probably all on a secure server that is no longer connected to the network (Though a lab finale might have a computer with some information/maps in it). You’d have to find one of the server backups (Probably deep underground, full of robots and turrets) and try to hack into it without activating a lockdown and getting mobbed by dozens of Explosive Manhacks (Because a flying drone made of spinning blades isn’t terrible enough until it also explodes into a ball of fire and shrapnel when you disable it).

Experimental future-tech isn’t a DIY project, and when you consider the level of security on the random labs they have all over the country-side I imagine their databases would be even harder to get into (An id card alone probably wouldn’t cut it).