How to remove inventory shortcut?

I think this may be a bug, idk. The (automatic) shortcuts in my inventory sometimes refuses to clear itself

I’ve tried:

  • Reloading the game
  • Favoriting and un-favorite the item
  • Dropping it off and picking it back

What has worked

  • Disassembly (although not all can be easily re-assembled)
  • Unfavoriting while a duplicate exist in my inventory (only work on stackable items)
  • Manual (=) shortcut re-assignment (works best and you can clear the shortcut when reassigning it to the space bar)

Hopefully this help other with simillar problems as I am. While i managed to fix it myself with the last solution, i think the ui could provide a way to do (=) manual shortcut assignment without having to go into the detailed view.

Automated shortcut Game me a terrible experience so I suggest that you guys disable it in the option and use the manual method instead