How to give Profession items help

Having trouble trying to figure out how to get this code to work. Trying to put loaded shotgun in back holster, but won’'t show up in game.

“items”: {
“both”: [
“entries”: [
{ “item”: “shotgun_d”, “ammo-item”: “shot_00”, “charges”: 2, “container-item”: “back_holster” },

Also, is there a way to have a profession wield the weapon they spawn with?

If you want to put an entries object in, then both should be an object, not an array, and the first list of items should be an items array:

“items”: {
  “both”: {
    "items": [
    “entries”: [
      { “item”: “shotgun_d”, “ammo-item”: “shot_00”, “charges”: 2, “container-item”: “back_holster” }

It’s pretty subtle but I think that’s probably the issue.

Thanks that helped a lot, spotting those missing thingy’s is a real pain!

***AS a follow up to my problem, is it possible to start with an item already wielded? Say that same shotgun, any way to make it so the character spawns in with weapon in hand?