How should I go about making a gun character?

So i’ve been wanting to specalize my guy in guns. A problem is that though gun stores seem to be loaded with zombies and with out any skills to get through the zombies you’re kinda screwed. Now I was thinking of maybe doing a melee/gun character but then I thought whats the point when by the time I clear a town out I’ll have a super hi melee lvl that it would probably be better than guns. Any suggestions?

I’ve never ran into any zombies in front of gunstores. Unless you playing static, which then I am no help to you.

I often take a melee/guns hybrid character to deal with zombies at the start of my game, before I get any guns. Beyond window-camping and beating down the zombies with a crowbar, I never use melee, save in dire emergencies.

To get guns from stores early on while dealing minimally with zombies, I recommend just fleeting to the ammo shelf, and quickly 'e’xamine what types of ammo there are; you’ll undoubtedly find either .40, .45, 9mm, or some variant of shotgun ammo (or if you’re lucky, all of them). Rush over to the handgun or shotgun racks, take one or two of each, then grab the ammo for them. The shotgun(s) should clear you a path to a few stores for looting, and the pistol(s) to get you out.

This fleeting strategy usually works for me, generally with minimal damage taken. The most damage you’ll take is likely in the gun store itself.

This is, of course, in Static spawn mode.

But be careful shotguns are both your friend and enemy, they practically ring the dinner bell when you shoot it so have a good back-up or plenty of ammo.

This is assuming you’re playing on static spawn:

Whenever you make your firearm specialist, make sure to put points enough in dexterity so that your ranged to hit bonus is “+0”, I think you only need 12 points. That will assure that if you miss with a firearm, it’s the weapon it’s self and not your skill.

The way I usually get to a gun store in the beginning is by making some molotovs; they are rather easy to make, requiring only rags, glass bottles and alcohol/gas and they work miracles clearing out sections of towns. Just make sure not to hit buildings with them; city fires are messy business.

[quote=“Clayton, post:5, topic:2788”]This is assuming you’re playing on static spawn:

Whenever you make your firearm specialist, make sure to put points enough in dexterity so that your ranged to hit bonus is “+0”, I think you only need 12 points. That will assure that if you miss with a firearm, it’s the weapon it’s self and not your skill.

The way I usually get to a gun store in the beginning is by making some molotovs; they are rather easy to make, requiring only rags, glass bottles and alcohol/gas and they work miracles clearing out sections of towns. Just make sure not to hit buildings with them; city fires are messy business.[/quote]
Half of my city is rubble do to the great stove fire of summer, day 12.

[quote=“Clayton, post:5, topic:2788”]make sure to put points enough in dexterity so that your ranged to hit bonus is “+0”, I think you only need 12 points.[/quote]This is why I play with v0.6…

Ok thanks guys I’m gonna make a hybrid and also try the molatovs. (sorry for bad english :P)

Not spend 12 points on it, add 2 so it’s add 12…

[quote=“Clayton, post:9, topic:2788”]Not spend 12 points on it, add 2 so it’s add 12…[/quote]I meant as in I’m using 0.6 so I don’t have to add points to get to +0 ranged bonus.

You still need perception with firearms in 0.6 cause it gives you more bonuses than the firearm skill itself :stuck_out_tongue:
14 perception would make you a firearm master

Eh? I’m using 0.6 and it gave me ranged penalties until I added dexterity.

Anyway things turned out surprisingly well for me when I grabbed a Remington 870 and M1911 and charged through the town blasting every single zombie in sight on my way to the other gun store.

Ammo is getting a bit low now but I’m covered in armour and I have a zweihander, so I’m not too worried.

I really should have recorded for posterity the massacre I carried out in the local hospital with that thing. I came out with tonnes of ammonia gallon jugs so now I can make lots of batteries.

Of course, since dispersion of all ammo and weapons across the board in .7 is lower then in .6, low level weapons/players actually shoot better then they do in .6. (Though high level is worse).

Also keep in mind that a 0 “bonus” means that you are shooting as good as the gun physically can, the only error being the gun and ammo. Which makes a lot more sense then you being very dexterous or perceptive somehow warping the fabric of the universe to make your gun shoot better then physically possible.

Of course, since dispersion of all ammo and weapons across the board in .7 is lower then in .6, low level weapons/players actually shoot better then they do in .6. (Though high level is worse).

Also keep in mind that a 0 “bonus” means that you are shooting as good as the gun physically can, the only error being the gun and ammo. Which makes a lot more sense then you being very dexterous or perceptive somehow warping the fabric of the universe to make your gun shoot better then physically possible.[/quote]

Hmm…it’s not like the fabric of the universe is completely free of warps as it is…maybe an artifact-induced mutation that lets you get positive, nonzero ranged accuracy bonuses–at the cost of creating/aggravating reality decay?

Actually, if you are dextrous and perceptive you should shoot better. Ever looked down ironsights at a target 400~500m away?

A human-sized target is a speck. That’s why you’re taught to control your breathing: Normal breathing throws your aim up and down.
As to dexterity, I’d assume that should really affect how you handle the recoil.

Eh? I’m using 0.6 and it gave me ranged penalties until I added dexterity.

Anyway things turned out surprisingly well for me when I grabbed a Remington 870 and M1911 and charged through the town blasting every single zombie in sight on my way to the other gun store.

Ammo is getting a bit low now but I’m covered in armour and I have a zweihander, so I’m not too worried.

I really should have recorded for posterity the massacre I carried out in the local hospital with that thing. I came out with tonnes of ammonia gallon jugs so now I can make lots of batteries.[/quote]
Again, in 0.6 perception was better than dexterity. Dexterity only gave a insignificiant bonus to to-hit while perception gave something like 3-4 firearm skill wich happens to be a lot more than what dexterity was ever able to give you. Firearm skill gives you a to-hit bonus btw but scales way more than dexterity.

Maybe it it now shown but thats how it was.

My good sir, you seem to ignore the power of the ‘V’. Just step in the gun store, press ‘V’, and enjoy as every single gun and ammo in the shop will be displayed for your perusal. Then use the wiki to match them up and decide what your load will be.

My good sir, you seem to ignore the power of the ‘V’. Just step in the gun store, press ‘V’, and enjoy as every single gun and ammo in the shop will be displayed for your perusal. Then use the wiki to match them up and decide what your load will be.[/quote]Oh, oops. I never use ‘V’ at all for some reason; probably because I was actually unaware of its function’s existence until now. I guess I’m just use to the old-fashioned way of searching by hand.

I still manage to escape with minimal damage the old-fashioned way, though.

Well, you better get used to ‘V’. It’s soooooo convenient when looting houses, shops or anything.