How do we feel about healing rates?

Yeah, I wanted to expand the bleeding system, but Kevin said hold on cos there have been lots of discussions and plans about a full overhaul wound system which looks real neat.

And it’s best to do that as a whole, rather than piecemeal.


Still, couldn’t hurt to do a POF, even if it’s nothing at all like the intended ending. Just to know it sort of works/can be done

But if they did a placeholder system, it would be time and effort that could be better spent on doing a proper system, otherwise they would have to backtrack and redo existing work.

Not really, development is full of downtime, where you’re either smashing your skull against your desk in frustration, or just wanting to do something else/different. Just like anything. Breaks are good.

Moot point either way, good to know that something is coming.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

It depends… like if nothing is planned in an area for ages, then the attitude is sometimes " well it’s better than what we have now"

But if something is planned soon™ then the attitude is “we dont wanna have to rip it out in a few months anyway”

It’s a trade-off.

Health overhaul is great news. But…
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a… Wait, what?
Please don’t forget that this new injury system should work for monsters, too, and for all combat in general.
Although it will take months or even years to implement, it will bring a completely different feeling, tactics and strategies to combat and the game in general. The character will no longer have to “kill” a monster by lowering it’s “hit points”, but he/she will have to neutralize and to control.
What is “death” anyway? It is when some organ can not work properly, and some other organ can not either without that first, and so on by chain, and finally the brain shuts down because it sees that there is no way to revert all that damage.
So how do we exactly can “kill” a zombie with some arrows? Or with spear? What the exact mechanism of its “death”? Or if we do not actually killing it but rather neutralizing, then how the hell it could be neutralized by a couple of thin sharp sticks?
So many questions…
But if you (we?) will do that, it will start a new page in history of all videogames and videogame industry.

If i understand Kevin correctly, there wont be a limb system for non human enemies, but they will have status effects added to simulate it (since it would be resource intensive to keep track of every monsters limb status) also ingame technically we are not killing the zombies we are destroying the body beyond repair, hence the revive mechanic (unless the lore has changed, or I’m mistaken)

You don’t get my point.
Imagine that you got an enraged and mad bull in front of you under painkillers, and try to “destroy” him “beyond repair” with arrows, with spear or with anything other than a freaking tank.
I mean that it is definitely possible, but not with arrows.
That is how Cataclysm’s zombies should work, if understand design document correctly.
This supernatural zombies that break all laws of physics are no joke.

I do hope that when they switch over to wound based damage there is still some way to use hit points via modding and such. I expect the wound system will be an improvement but I love being able to customize everything.

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I’m not convinced that tracking wounds on zombies is worth the processing power it would require for large hordes. They’re actually kinda decently modeled by hit points.

Apart from adding to what we have and fixing a few things. I’m not certain as to what could be had that would make a person healing any differently besides a stimpack to force the body to heal faster. Perhaps nano robots…which we also have already.

The time table is the only thing that seems a viable change. Slowing that down to be realistic seems great. What more can you expect from any real life ER? People patch you up or you do it yourself. Heal. Done.

My stimpack idea from a few months ago making them similar to Stalker with levels of effect seemed a good idea. But not sure if this was taken into account for anything new.