Health system like URW?

…Or just make list of wounds:
Left arm: (45 hp)
Shallow cut (-6 hp)
Right arm: (45 hp)
Deep cut (-17 hp)
Serious piece (-35 hp)
You can’t use thit arm (17+35=52 hp > 45)
Left leg (45 hp)
fracture (-75 hp - result of lager bash damage)
Leg broked need bone immobilization to heal.

Blood loss: 15.

Death causes:
If blood loss>45 (max_hp)
Body cut/piece damage>180 (max_hp*4) cut/piece damage>45 - massive bleed.
Head bash damage > 45 - death. Mouth damage cause bleed.

Some of us have never played URW. Some of us (read:I) dont even know what URW is.

Unreal World.

Iron age Finland/Sweden/Norway? Survival RL.

Even by the standards of this forum, this is a pretty sad topic. I think what he refers to is the tracking of individual wounds in each body part, which must be treated with the appropriate medical treatment on a regular basis. The developers have said they would like to implement something similar to the wound-tracking thing, but I think Unreal World’s treatment system would be too slow-paced for a game like Cataclysm.

Top post updated.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:5, topic:5359”]This is pretty much the direction I want to take the health system. Add specific wound maluses that accumulate and heal using consistent logic bsed on real wounds/healing (accelerated by default, waiting a month for a broken bone to heal is a bit much), and then once there are enough specific wound maluses, phase out HP.

Reply #4 from this thread:

Very exited about that, myself.

I also like Unreal World’s wound and healing system. That game has some nice ideas about survival stuff.

I think the wound system is not inherently a bad idea, but having to apply medical treatment to each wound with limited resources regularly, over and extended period of time, similar to Unreal World would be too slow for Cataclysm DDA. Unreal World isn’t a very combat heavy game and you can easily play for extended period without ever needing to fight, so it’s okay for wounds to be more debilitating and take longer to recover from, but Cataclysm DDA is a much faster-paced and more combat heavy game.

But in Cata, rags and other healing items are way too easy to get, and you could stack tons and tons of meds easily. Resources are not really that limited. :stuck_out_tongue:

Even so, applying them as regularly as Unreal World requires you to do would still be incredibly tedious.

How does it work in URW again? Last time I played it wound treatment was fairly simplistic, you get wounded, apply the appropriate treatment, and depending on how successful the treatment was the wound would heal fast or slow. If you didn’t like the result you could try redressing the wound the next day. I don’t know, I just remember my URW characters getting stabbed/shot in the eyes repeatedly and recovering remarkably well every time.

It’s still like that.

You can also clean the wound first and a better alternative to bandages is to also apply herbs.

There’s another game that uses a similar system, Neo Scavenger. Personally, I really like it. It’s a lot better than just eating bandages to magically heal the wound in less than 10 turns. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, I would think it’s incredibly tedious too but since I have tried it in other games, I think it adds a lot to the survival aspect of these kind of games.

I think tracking individual wounds is…inevitable, so not much I can argue about there. But having to continually maintain medical treatment on a wound and having it heal at the Unreal World rate would slow the game far too much, especially considering the current healing rate is lore-appropriate.

It wouldn’t need to be at the Unreal World rate, IMO. The days in a season can be changed in options or world creation so healing rate could be affected by that too. Anyways, if the devs actually add this system, they would probably set a new healing rate accordingly.

[quote=“Gideon, post:6, topic:5389”][quote=“Kevin Granade, post:5, topic:5359”]This is pretty much the direction I want to take the health system. Add specific wound maluses that accumulate and heal using consistent logic bsed on real wounds/healing (accelerated by default, waiting a month for a broken bone to heal is a bit much), and then once there are enough specific wound maluses, phase out HP.

Reply #4 from this thread:

Very exited about that, myself.[/quote]

Yeah, that would be a good idea. Connecting healing rate to seasons , um, I don’t really know…

How about two severity levels of injuries? Mild injury only requires a single treatment, and severe injuries require two?

Or… injuries could be rated according to a numerical severity (assigned at the time of application).

The consequences of accumulating catastrophic impairment of capabilities climbing on some sort of scale weighted by the net effect of all the injuries.

This is sounding very similar to the Seventh Sea style of injury/damage handling… may or may not be a bad thing.

I like the idea of numerical severity for wounds and having different treatments levels,
E.G. a deep cut will need blood loss starching, stitches, cleaning, anti septic, bandages and still need you to take it slow or risk tearing the stitches.
A shallower one may just need cleaning and bandages and a really small cut just a sticky plaster or some anti septic.

So long as you have to do different things it will feel less like you can just eat 10 medpacks to heal.
Having some maluses from untreated wounds and lesser ones for treated one makes it feel more organic than reach 0 hp and fall over dead.

Maluses should take a few minutes to kick in, so as not to cripple you mid fight and in RL many people have taken wounds and not noticed until there adrenaline wears off.