Have you played as yourself?

Alright I’ve finally convinced myself to join in the fun! Although for this I have given myself unlimited points to play with so I can more accurately describe myself.

Evacuee (Really none of the others would suit.)

Stats: (For this I’m going by the rule of thumb that 10~ is average.)
Strength: 8, I can have bursts of strength, but I’d rather use a gun.
Dexterity: 11, I’m flexible and quick.
Intelligence: 14, I’m a smart ass, my only issue is I’m lazy.
Perception: 9, I’ll notice if something has moved or is missing most of the time.


“Good” Traits;
Acomplished Sleeper (I can fall asleep inside a cardboard box or curled up inside a cupboard. Don’t ask, I just know.)
Animal Empathy (I love animals and animals love me. <3)
Cannibal (It’s not that I WANT to eat other people, it’s that if it were life or death and I was hungry, there was no food around, why should I leave perfectly good meat go to waste? Don’t get me wrong I’d rather have something else, but I wouldn’t feel bad if I had to.)
Deft (I can’t hit hard, but I do hit fast.)
Fast Learner (I pick up on things quickly once I’ve done it before.)
High Adrenaline (Honestly most people should have this, but I picked this due to a funny story involving me against an entire rugby team and the teacher in school. I was forever known as “Rocky” for that glorious day.)
Light Step (I’m a ninja according to some, others call me Slenderman as I have a tendency to approach unheard behind people, towering over them (I’m 6 foot 7 inches) to make them jump.)
Masochist (I don’t ‘enjoy’ receiving pain, but when I do, I laugh. Seriously, I can’t help but laugh and feel good, not in a sexual way mind.)
Packmule (I’m one of those people who will take everything from one place to another in one go, no matter the volume, I’m creative and good at balancing.)
Pain Resistant (I’ve been smashed over the head with a block of solid ice and it didn’t phase me, when I crept up and hit the person who hit me with the same ice around their head on the other hand, he ended up unconscious.)
Pretty (I’m not being full of myself, but I’m considered very “cute” or “hot” by some. Girls love me, and no it’s not a good thing, you ever had two of your best friends literally get in a fist fight over dating you? It’s so bloody awkward.)
Psychopath (I would like to say “Oh I’m only taking this because I wouldn’t feel bad about killing a zombie child!” but no, I’m a psychopath, tested and confirmed by my therapists. Doesn’t mean I go around being psycho, it simply means a bit more… Heartless. Well I say logical, others say heartless, but it’s all a matter of opinion.)
Quick (Well, I’m just generally… Quick. Nothing else to say. I’m not really a runner I should point out, hence why I haven’t added fleet-footed, I’m simply quick at everything else.)
Skilled Liar (I love lying, I love playing mind games with people, it’s easy, heck in many cases it’s easier than telling the truth!)
Stylish (What can I say, I’m quite vain. If I want to go out, I make damn sure I’m prepared and look good, and feel good about looking good.)

“Bad” Traits;
Addictive Personality (I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t do drugs (That are none prescribed), partially because I know that if I did try them and like them I would be addicted, I’ve always gotten easily addicted to things.)
Albino (I’m naturally pale and despise sunlight, if they were real I would naturally be a vampire how badly the sun screws me over. Thank God I live in England with lovely dark rainy clouds. <3)
Bad Back (Due to my height, I have to bend down A LOT to do near ANYTHING a normal person simply stands up to do, this has made my back very achy and weak.)
Bad Temper (I generally feel rather shitty and down at all times, life’s a bitch.)
Chemical Imbalance (My internal chemistry is a bit random, the description in game suits me perfectly.)
Fast Metabolism (I’ve always needed to eat more than most, yet I’m still stupidly thin.)
Forgetful (Goes with my dyslexia, I’ll learn something quickly, but if I stop doing it, I’ll forget rather quickly how I did it exactly.)
Heavy Sleeper (I have slept through earthquakes, builders smashing tiles on the roof just outside my window, gunshots, having water thrown on me, being jumped on, shoved out of my bed and on the floor, the only thing that would wake me up is if a zombie was literally trying to bite my damn leg off.)
High Thirst (I always need a drink, even as I type this right now with one hand I’m using the other to have a drink.
Lightweight (The times I have tried alcohol and such? Straight to my head, I’ll be a giggling mess after one small glass of wine or something.)
Mood Swings (My mood is more unpredictable then a yo-yo, at least yo-yo’s go up and down, my moods swing in all directions imaginable, or don’t swing at all, or implode on the spot. Being bi-polar is a bitch.)
Near-Sighted (I should wear glasses, but I never do.)
Poor Hearing (Some call it selective hearing, I call it being unable to focus on doing more than one thing at once. If I’m busy doing something, I’m not going to hear much even if it’s in the room next door.)
Sleepy (I sleep all the time, I’ve not long woke up from a 17 hour nap and I just want to go back to sleep. I might have chronic fatigue syndrome, no-one is sure yet.)
Slow Reader (I love writing, I love talking, heck I used to write stories all the time, but dear god I hate reading. It goes partially with my dyslexia, but also that oh my Lord reading bores me.)
Slow Runner (I have a hip that constantly dislocates a little, makes running rather… Awkward.)
Strong Scent (I add this simply because most people would have it really, considering they can not wash efficiently in the apocalypse and, I hate to admit it, if I start to smell, I smell, thank goodness I have a shower.)

Survivor (Nothing special, didn’t really have any other professions which suited me.)

Computers (2) (I know some basic things and codes.)
Cooking (3) (I can cook, I don’t like to, but I can. I do love baking cookies though.)
Driving (3) (Not that hard to drive, I’m new to the experience but I certainly don’t keep “fumbling with the controls” every few metres.
Speaking (5) (I take great pride in my speaking ability, I always came out with full scores on any speaking tests in schools, I’m clear, persuasive and “enjoyable to listen to” as said by many a girl, typically Americans who love the English accent.)
Unarmed Combat (3) (I’m not great at it, but I’ve been in my fair share of fist fights, I know what I’m doing.)

I believe that’s it, might have missed a few things or been mildly inaccurate, but I’d say that’s me. That said, no, I have never played as myself nor do I intend to. However, I would LOVE if someone else here decided to play as me, to see how well I would do! Hopefully I will at least kill one zombie before dying.